Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1248: If sent back

Two days later, Yucheng Inn.

"Ye Feibai and Gao Chen go to inquire about Yuwen's house and see if there are any relatives of this child." Tangning looked at the two and confessed.

"Yes." The two responded and walked out.

In the inn, Tangning asked Xiao Er to confess to the kitchen to make some rice paste and deliver it, while others asked them to rest first. As for the baby, they put it in Tangning's room.

Looking at the baby dancing on the bed, Tangning couldn't help but stretched out his fingers to tease him, and saw him giggling, waving his hands to hug her.

"Boy, have you been hungry and thin these past few days?"

She chuckled softly, and when she saw the baby holding her hand, she was about to bite into her mouth. She retracted her hand and squeezed his lotus-like arm, and touched the fleshy thigh again, seeing the baby's hand and The legs are fat in several knots, and the skin is slippery, and the more you touch, the more fun.


The baby thought she was playing with him, giggling, clenched his small hands into fists and waved, and kicked his chubby legs with a happy smile.

Tangning saw that he was still wearing a lanyard around his neck, and he reached out and hooked it out. Seeing that it was a small and very delicate safety lock, it seemed that the style was specially made.


She looked at the name and birth date engraved in her palm, and couldn't help but looked at the giggling baby.

"Master, rice cereal is here." A voice shouted from outside the room.

"Just give it to me." Song Tianyou took the rice cereal outside and said: "Master, I'm here."

"Come in!" Tangning said, and saw the door opened and Song Tianyou came in with rice cereal.

Tangning put the safety lock back into the child's clothes, picked him up, walked to the table and sat down, and said, "Why don't you go to rest? Aren't you tired?"

"Not tired."

Song Tianyou put the rice cereal on the table and sat down beside him, watching the little baby dance and scream, he couldn't help holding his chubby hand and shook it gently.

"Master, doesn't this little baby have a name yet?"

"His name is Yu Wenhan." Tangning said, scooping some rice cereal to blow it cold, and feeding it to the child. Seeing him eating the rice cereal with his mouth, her heart softened.

This little look is really flattering.

After feeding a small bowl of rice cereal, the little guy ate and fell asleep. Tangning put him on the bed and covered it with a quilt. After a while, the two who went out to inquire about the news also returned.


The two entered Tangning’s room, sat down, and said, "This Yuwen family is not a first-class family in this city, but it has a small status. As far as we know, the father of this child is the third son of the Yuwen family. He died only half a year ago. He was a posthumous child, because these three ladies were rescued by the third son and married. They have never been liked by the family, and have no patrons and mothers, so this time it was arranged. For those living in the country, it is estimated that someone in the **** team fled back, so the Yuwen family already knew that they were killed."

Tangning frowned and asked, "Then this kid doesn't have grandfather or anything?"

"The ancestor of the Yuwen family today is not the grandfather of the third son, and according to our inquiries, the internal fighting in this Yuwen family is also constant, and the family affection between brothers is not valued.

Ye Feibai said, looking at the baby on the bed, and said: "If this child is sent back, it's still one thing to grow up!"

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