Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1254: Consult needlework

After Qi Baihe took the note, he quickly went outside the city, looking for Lei Gonggen as his master said.

In front of the medical hall, Tangning asked the woman to hold the child and sit aside first. The people around him did not disperse after seeing this. They were all curious as to whether the Gotu Kola root this person said could really cure the child’s symptoms. .

After a while, Qi Baihe came back with the herbs he had picked and handed it to his master: "Master, but this?"

"Yes, Not Bad."

Tang Ning nodded and looked at the woman holding the child, and said, "Take this medicine back and wash it, then buy some meat and the herbs, chop it into a small meatball, and boil it into soup. The meat and herbs are all eaten together. At most two or three days, your child will be able to heal. If there is a fever, then the medicine of this prescription can be drunk for two more days." She took one of those prescriptions Take it out and pass it to the woman.

"Thank you, Master, thank you, Master." The woman took it gratefully, and after thanking her, she hurried back with the herbs in her arms.

At this time, Doctor Liu from the medical clinic stepped forward and bowed his hand: "Master, are the herbs really effective?"

Tangning smiled and said, "This Gotu Kola has the effects of clearing the lungs, relieving cough and relieving fetal toxins. As for whether it is effective or not, you will know how the child will look after a few days."

When the words were over, Tangning took a step to leave, and Qi Baihe and Song Tianyou immediately followed.

The third member of the Qi family looked at the figures of them leaving, and couldn't help thinking. The girl next to them saw that they were gone, and she couldn't help but shouted "Cousin!" She wanted to chase, but was caught by the people around her.

"Okay, don't make trouble." Qi's third child said, bringing her back.

The crowd also dispersed, and Tangning and the others went to another street, and after buying some things, they also returned to the inn.

"Teacher." When Situ saw Tangning coming back, they greeted him and said, "Teacher, we just took an assignment and went to Daluoshan."

"Okay, we will leave early tomorrow." Tangning nodded and said.

When it was nightfall, everyone went back to their rooms to rest, but Song Tianyou, who lived in the same room with Qi Baihe, saw that his junior brother took out needles and other embroidery things.

"Junior brother, don't practice too late, I'll go to bed first." Song Tianyou yawned, rubbed his eyes and lay down on the bed. He felt twelve in sympathy for the junior who has to learn needlework.

Fortunately, he does not study medicine.

Seeing that he was asleep, Qi Baihe was practicing there with a needle and thread, but, after all, he was a big man, and he had never used a needle and thread before. When he was a beginner, naturally he sews crookedly and stabbed his fingers several times. .

"Bohe?" The Qi family's oldest third who inquired that they lived here shouted outside the door.

Qi Baihe in the room heard the sound and glanced at his sleeping senior, put his things into the space, got up and walked outside, opened the door, and saw his third uncle and cousin standing outside.

"Uncle San, why are you here?" He walked out and closed the door easily.

The three of them went downstairs and sat down on the first floor. The third member of the Qi family said, "I'm just thinking about asking you, who is your master? Do you know what he is from?"

"Uncle San, don't worry, I know everything, and my grandfather knows too."

As he said, looking at the girl sitting aside, he seemed to have thought of something. He took out the needles and fabrics he had practiced before, and asked: "Cousin, my stitches are always bad. Can you give me some pointers?"

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