Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1285: Thunder Array

"How are you?" She asked, seeing that the black aura on his body was surging, and his complexion became worse. When he wanted to use the light of the Buddha to disperse him, who knew he grabbed her hand.

Mo Ye shook his head: "These devilish qi is extraordinary, even if it exhausts your strength and virtue, it will be difficult to get rid of it. By then, both of us will have to die here."

He looked at the clouds condensed in the sky, thunder and lightning came to them like a shadow, and his voice came out weakly: "This world in the secret realm is cracked and touched the last sky thunder formation. Get rid of, otherwise, otherwise we can’t escape.”

Hearing this, Tangning looked back at the clouds that condensed in the sky, and watched the thunder smashing towards this side that day, and immediately said, "Okay! I will break the thunder first!"

As soon as he came in, he was chased and chopped by Thunder. Since he was pressing every step of the way, she would stir it up and down!

"It's a sky thunder formation laid down by the power of heaven and earth. Be careful." Mo Ye confessed uneasy.

"Don't worry, I will take you out!"

She fixedly looked at him, patted him on the shoulder, flipped her hand, the holy heaven bowl appeared from her palm, as she threw the holy heaven bowl into the air, the other hand was about to push the white cloud gourd forward , With the holy heaven bowl to form a protection, and protect the white cloud gourd together with Mo Ye inside.

Mo Ye was originally swallowed by that devilish energy, but when the holy heaven bowl protected him inside, he only felt that all the devilish energy seemed to have nowhere to hide. All of them shrank into the corner and did not dare to move any more, so he felt slightly better. Some.

Over there, after Tangning used the holy heaven bowl to protect Mo Ye, she leaped into the sky and went straight into the clouds. Xiao Hei worried about her safety, flapped her wings and followed her, offering her a small body. Take advantage of the strength to jump up again.

Mo Ye looked at it and saw Tangning stepping on Xiao Hei, her figure leaping into the sky and disappearing into the clouds. At this moment, his heart couldn't help but lifted up, uneasy.

At this moment, a sky thunder was shot down again, but when it fell on the holy heaven bowl, the power of the sky thunder was blocked outside and could not hurt Mo Ye below.

Above the clouds, lightning flashed, forming a huge intertwined electric grid in the tossing black cloud. After Tangning and Xiao Hei volleyed through the electric grid, Fang felt the oppressive aura above. And the strength of the power of heaven and earth.

"Tang Tang, where is there any formation here?" Xiao Hei was anxious, with dark eyes looking around, but only saw the clouds and the power grid, and did not see any sky thunder formation at all.

Tang Ning looked around and said, "Don't worry, let me take a closer look." She released her divine sense, and at the same time closed her eyes to sense. After a few moments, her eyes suddenly opened.

"found it!"

A look of surprise appeared on her face, and with a move of her hand, her Wannian Guanyin Bamboo appeared in her hand, and she saw the Guanyin Bamboo turning, and a pure and powerful force was also concentrated on the Guanyin Bamboo.

"call out!"

She attacked the Guanyin bamboo in her hand towards the gate of the formation on the ground, and saw the Guanyin bamboo clip with a powerful force, breaking through the barrier in the air, shot down from high altitude with the momentum of thunder, and plunged into the ground with a bang.

"Bang! Boom, boom..."

There were several loud blasting noises. At that moment, the ground cracked and the clouds in the sky rolled and finally turned into a huge black cloud and rushed towards the sky...

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