Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1293: Hidden repair

While they were talking, they looked at the young man in front of him in surprise, and said, "It turns out that this is the original face of Master Tang. It is really beautiful and outstanding. Could it be that you are here, I really can't believe it, the person in front of you It’s the one we saw a few days ago. It’s just that when I watch Master Tang’s breath, it’s like..."

The talking peak master looked at him in amazement, and the more he looked at his expression, the more shocked he was. Finally, he couldn't help but ask: "Isn't Master Tang advanced yet?" Before clearly entering, Master Tang was just the cultivation base of the Golden Core Peak. Why at this moment is the breath of Yuan Ying?

After listening to these words, Qi Baihe, Situ and others noticed that Tangning's breath was indeed the breath of Yuan Ying monk. This recognition shocked them and was excited and happy.

Tangning smiled slightly and said, "It is indeed advanced. Because of a crisis inside, I don't want to have this opportunity to break through. Also due to advanced reasons, the power of the Yi Rong Pill originally taken has also been reduced. Only when I go will I restore my original face."

Tangning briefly said, because Fei Xian's peak strength is really terrifying, especially at her age, and she has continuously advanced through two stages in such a short period of time, reaching the Fei Xian pinnacle. If this matter is spread, it is estimated to cause great shock.

Therefore, at the moment she left the secret realm, she grabbed Feixian’s strength, revealing only the strength of the Nascent Soul Peak. After all, it was scary enough that she could break through the Nascent Soul Peak within a few days. If you let them know, In fact, she is not the peak strength of Yuan Ying, but the peak strength of Fei Xian, I am afraid it will cause shock in this entire continent.

"Congratulations to Master Tang, congratulations to Master Tang!" The eight peak masters said with joy.

Tangning smiled slightly and asked, "I wonder how Mo Ye is now?"

"A few of us have been guarding this place and haven't seen it yet, but the lord has come and said that the pharmacist of the lord is treating him, but he hasn't woken up yet." Several peak masters spoke.

Su Yanqing said: "Master Tang, a few of us have visited before that, Young Master Mo has been in a coma because of severe injuries. He seems to be..."

Thinking of the aura on Mo Ye's body, he didn't say any more, because he believed that Master Tang sent Mo Ye out from inside, it should be clearer than them.

"I'll take a look." Tangning said. Seeing the white cloud gourd standing there not far away, she stretched out her hand and pulled it back to the round bamboo around her waist, and asked, "What about Yaoyao? Not with you. ?"

"Return to Master, Yaoyao is guarding Master Mo." Qi Bohe said.

Hearing this, Tangning raised her eyebrows: "Why is she guarding there?"

Su Yanqing on the side saw her asking, and said: "That's it. She said she has any kind of peach blossom lotion for Master Mo to drink, and she will take care of it there."

Tang Ning nodded. Peach Blossom Dew is indeed a good thing. It should help Mo Ye's situation a bit. After all, besides the injury, the devilish energy on his body is also a big problem.

Because Tangning came out, everyone went to Mo Ye's healing place. In order to facilitate the treatment of the pharmacist, he did not return to his own cave, but lived in the bamboo courtyard at Yaofeng.

When the crowd came to the Yaofeng Bamboo Courtyard, they were stopped by the disciples who were guarding outside the Bamboo Courtyard.

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