Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1295: Won't fight

"you you you you!"

Old Fei was so angry that his beard was trembling, but because he was not used to quarreling, you didn't know what to scold for a long time, and finally snorted heavily: "I want to see, how come your medicine is better than mine!"

Tangning smiled, did not speak, but took out another pill from the space, squeezed Mo Ye's mouth and put the pill in, then lifted his chin slightly to let the pill slide down his throat. .

Old Fei watched this scene, smelling the fragrance of the pill, and couldn't help asking: "What are you giving him?"

"Pill for internal injuries." Tangning said, and slightly pushed the unconscious Mo Ye to his side. When she saw the injury on his back, her lips pressed slightly.

I saw a piece of black and red on the back, that was the scorched wound when the sky thunder fell, and the wound was accompanied by the fire of the sky thunder, because the fire of this wound rushed in the inner body, aggravating the internal injury in his body, and, If the injury on this back is not dealt with properly, the anger will not go away, and it will also cause high fever in the body.

At that time, he blocked the blow for her inside, and she knew it was serious, but she didn't expect the blow to be so serious.

Seeing Tangning staring at the wound, Fei coughed lightly, and said, "This burn was injured by the fire of the sky thunder. The old man applied the medicine to him, but the effect is slower, but it does not mean that my medicine. It's worse than yours!"

"This is a burn caused by the fire of the sky thunder. The general wound medicine does not work. I will re-dispense some for him." Tangning said, seeing that Yaoyao had come back with clear water, and then confessed: "Help him get the wound out. After washing with my medicine, don’t apply the medicine on the back. Also, find a few more cushions to let him lean on, so that the injury on the back won’t hurt.”

"Okay." Yaoyao responded, putting the water aside.

Old Fei looked at the little girl and said to Tangning, "Why don't you give it to me, you girl! I think her hands and feet are pretty neat. It's okay to stay and help me."


Before Tangning spoke, Yaoyao already refused very decisively.

Tangning only smiled when she saw it, looked around, walked to the low bamboo table and sat down, and took out the medicine from the space.

"You want to adjust the medicine here?" Fei could not help being surprised when he saw him sitting down and taking out some medicine and tools for pounding medicine.

"Well, I can borrow your place, it will be fine for a while." She took out the medicine she had from the space, and after looking through it, she seemed to be lacking any medicine, and asked, "Lao Fei, do you have any ice spirits in the medicine peak? Aloe?"

"Yes!" Fei nodded, and glanced at him: "You want?"

"Yeah." Tangning replied.

Seeing this, Old Fei said: "You wait." Then he walked out and said to the two disciples who were standing still outside: "Go to the medicine garden and pick an ice spirit aloe."

Who knows, no matter what the words are, no one will stand motionless. As soon as his temper came up, he shouted: "You two, go to the medicine garden and pick an ice spirit aloe vera!"

When Situ and the others saw this, they looked at each other and then solved their acupuncture points.

When Fei saw him, he immediately stared at Situ and the others: "What did you do to them?"

"Nothing." Niu Dali smiled, stretched out his hand to push the two disciples, and said: "Hurry up, your master tells you to pick the medicine."


"Go and go, hurry up, and pick one." Old Fei waved his hand impatiently and walked inside again.

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