Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1418: Mood journey

Hearing this, Patriarch Li laughed and said, "It turns out that this is the case." Today, the Tang family banquet must also be spread, and there is nothing unspeakable about this matter, so I saw him asking, he Did not hide it.

"Wang Patriarch does not know that everyone in today's banquet has been raised by Master Tang. Some have improved their strength by several levels, and others like Situ Patriarch and Ye Family Patriarch are making a breakthrough directly from the peak of foundation building. On the edge of the Tang family, the thunderous movement in the sky above the Tang family was caused by a few seniors. Master Tang said that at most three days, they would be able to successfully advance to the Golden Core Foundation. Except for a few of them, everyone else Goodbye and leave."

Patriarch Li's cheerful expression was filled with unstoppable joy, and he said: "Patriarch Wang, I have to rush home. I'll just leave it alone. We will get together again when there is a chance."

"Okay, please, Brother Li."

When Wang Patriarch heard his words, his heart was envy and jealous. The people who came to the meeting today were actually guided by Master Tang? And it was not the Tang family who advanced, but the guests who went today!


At this moment, a sky thunder fell, and everyone in the city looked up at the same time...

As for the few people who advanced in the Tang family, although their son was guarding them, Tangning still let people move in the recliner and sat under the shady tree and watched from a distance.

These elders are all grandfathers of Situ, Ye Feibai and others, and this time because of their relationship, she decided to help them so that they can smoothly advance to the Golden Core. In this way, even Situ and the others are here. Over there, there is no need to worry about relatives in the family.

And because of the relationship between her and Situ, these families and their Tang family are also closely connected, even if something happens in the future, they can help her father.

Elder Tang looked at the few people in the martial arts field, and then at the granddaughter who was lying on the lounger and drinking leisurely. He thought about it and stepped forward, sat down on the stone beside him, and asked, "Aning, How did you get them all to advance at the same time?"

Hearing this, Tangning's eyebrows curled, and she smiled and said, "Grandfather wants to know? It's simple." As she spoke, she reached out a hand to his brow.

Only a little light submerged between his eyebrows, and Elder Tang, who was still waiting for her to say the answer, slowly closed his eyes, as if he was in another world.

"Is it an illusion?" Old Tang stood on the street, looking at the streets where people came and went. He only felt that the real feeling was not like being in an illusion at all, but that he had really arrived in this world.

"Old Tang? Why are you here? Walk around. Recently, there is another mission to make some money. Let's go together." A middle-aged man beckoned and shouted. Seeing that he was standing still, he went forward and pulled him. Go, talking to him about the task.

Elder Tang looked at the people next to him, listened quietly, followed him on the mission, and finally got injured and lay down for a month. When the picture changed, he was chasing and killing him, trying to take him away. With the things in the bag, he flees desperately, trying his best to save his life, wandering around in an unsettled place, year after year, tasted the ups and downs of the world, and endured loneliness and loneliness until his life was almost exhausted. ...

At the moment of dying, I remembered everything in this life in my mind, and finally showed a relieved smile when I swallowed the last breath...

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