Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1420: Can be the emperor

He walked up to the main seat and sat down, raised his hand and said, "Sit down!"

"Yes." Facing his gaze, the man in Xuan Yi was puzzled, wondering what the Night King asked him to do?

After watching him sit down, Mo Ye didn't speak either. Instead, he set his gaze on his face. On his resolute face, his sword eyebrows and star eyes were full of heroism. Perhaps it was because of many things he had experienced, and the whole person looked calm and composed. At this time, his hands were on his legs, perhaps because he was a little nervous under his eyes, and his body seemed a little tight.

Under Mo Ye's gaze, he couldn't help but asked: "I wonder if the Night King called me over, what's the order?"

Mo Ye picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, his posture was laid back and relaxed, and said: "I'm free, come over and chat with you."

Hearing this, he who was sitting below raised his heart. Night King Mo Ye, how could he be the one who came over to chat with him in his spare time? What's more, he has nothing to do with him.

"Xuan Yu." Mo Ye called out, scratching his tea.

"Yes." Hearing the voice of the Night King calling him, he immediately responded, and people also stood up, reacting too quickly, making him too nervous.

Mo Ye glanced at him and said, "Don't be nervous, just sit and talk!"

"Yes." He sat back again, but when he didn't figure out what the Night King was looking for, how could he not be nervous?

"What do you think about the matter of Benjun degrading a few of them to common people?" Mo Ye asked, his eyes also falling on the next person.

"Don't dare." What does he dare to think about the person dealing with the Night King?

Mo Ye glanced at him and said, "Then, do you think the derogation is right or wrong? Tell me about it."

Hearing this, he glanced at the person in charge, knowing that he must have wanted to hear something from him today, and he shouldn't let him prevaricate, so after thinking about it, he said: "Shu Xuanyu speaks bluntly, how many of them are they It is indeed wrong to refrain from fighting inwardly when the country is in trouble, but they are the sons of the first emperor, and they are directly demoted to common people. This punishment is a bit excessive.

Mo Ye took a sip of tea and said, "Then do you think any of them can be king?"

Xuan Yu glanced at him and said, "No, those who have no talents for emperors, let alone the heart to protect the country, are unworthy of being kings." The most suitable person to be emperors and kings is him, but it is a pity that he He was a god-like figure, the emperor of this mortal land, he didn't see it at all.

"Since morality is not worthy, delegating them to common people will also eliminate their wishful thinking, and secondly, they will wipe out the worries of the new emperor. How can this punishment be severe?" Mo Ye said slowly, taking what he was holding. Putting the tea cup aside, looking at him and saying, "Xuan Yu."

"Yes." He stood up again instinctively.

Mo Ye looked at him and said, "This monarch has decided to push you to the top and sit in the position of the lord."


He whispered in astonishment, with an unbelievable look on his face. Obviously, he never expected the Night King to call him over because of this. After reacting, he quickly said: "No, Night King, Xuan Yu dare not ."

He is just a general, how dare to think about the position of the country leader.

Mo Ye said lightly: "Your father is the younger brother of the first emperor, and although you haven't set foot in the court in these years, you are also guarding your country as a general. Your character as a man is also investigated. It's best."

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