Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1433: Bloodlight

"Good Le!"

The old man replied with a smile, swiftly pretending to be a serving, and said: "Little master, sit here! Sit and eat. This stinky tofu is delicious only if it is dipped in our special sauce. "

"it is good."

Tangning smiled, watching the stinky tofu soaked in the soup in the bowl. The surface was jet black, and it was fried crispy. There was a lot of sauce and it smelled quite heavy. She inserted chopsticks in the middle. A hole, let the soup soak into the tofu, and then took a bite, the tofu is crispy and smelly, especially when the soup is eaten, the mouthful fragrance is endless.

"Well, uncle, it's delicious, give me another one." She nodded, gave him a big thumb, and ordered another one.

"My family has made this stinky tofu for decades. It tastes the most authentic. It's good to eat in this alley, but there are also some people who don't like the smell, even if they pass by, they just cover their noses. ."

The old man grinned, made another serving, and said, "This stinky tofu must be eaten while it is hot. The little master eats it first, and then calls me if it is not enough.

"Okay." Tangning responded with a smile. After eating two servings in a row, he hiccuped while touching his stomach, and then sat and rested for a while, drinking two cups of tea and gargle by the way.

"Uncle, this is the money for stinky tofu." She took out the money and put it on the table, stood up and said: "I know a little about facial expressions. I think the uncle has a **** disaster today, so let's close the stall and go home early!"

Hearing this, the old man said, "How do you little master say this! How can there be any blood disaster when I set up a stall here? I think you are young and naive, so you can't talk nonsense about this."

Tangning smiled, and said, "I won't talk nonsense. I just want to mention you when I meet destiny. Since you don't believe it, there is no way." She walked to his stall and picked up the top iron plate and looked at it. , Walked to the old man's side, smiled and stuffed the iron plate into his shirt.

She patted the shocked old man on the shoulder and smiled: "Don't take it out, maybe it can save your life."

The old man was stunned. He looked at the little monk who was walking away. He was a little confused. He touched his chest. The iron plate was stuffed in the thick clothes. He wanted to take it out, but he thought of what the little monk just said. At that sentence, he took a pause and retracted his hand, muttering, "What a weird person."

"Smelly tofu, fragrant and smelly stinky tofu!"

He yelled twice and got busy again. In fact, you can sell stinky tofu without yelling. The smell is enough to make people who like it smell it.

In the evening, when the old man was greeting the guests, he faintly heard the sound of fighting. When he turned around, he saw two fighting casual cultivators approaching here. He was about to hide, so he was grabbed by his collar and pushed forward to block him. Knife, watching the other party's knife slash at him, scared him to close his eyes in exclamation.


The knife was originally intended to slash the casual repairman, but because the old man was pushed out to block the knife and fell on his chest, there was a metal magnetic crash immediately.


The man wielding the knife was stunned for a moment. Seeing that the old man's legs were weak and falling down, it seemed that something was blocking it. The knife didn't kill him. Seeing that the monk took the opportunity to escape, the man wielded the knife quickly. Caught up.

The old man eased his breath for a while, and tremblingly touched his hand into the shirt, and took out the iron plate inside...

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