Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1440: Watch performance

The three little girls who ran out came outside and saw Qingzhi and the others standing outside the courtyard. The three of them were startled, as if they had thought of something. After looking back, they saw that the old woman and the guard were slowly walking out.

Seeing that the old woman changed her body, she changed to look like a bald boy in Tsing Yi. The three of them gasped, "Young Master, Young Master!"

The young master of the Tang family, the eldest lady of the Tang family, Master Tang, isn't this the bald boy in Qingyi? It turns out that this old woman was made by the young master!

When the nine-year-old girl touched her stomach, there was only blood on it, but there seemed to be no wounds. She touched it again, only the pain when she was stabbed by the dagger, but there was really no wound.

It turned out that what she had felt before was not her illusion. Fortunately, she really thought that she had been stabbed and yelled that she was about to die!

"The three of you, what are your names?" Tangning walked over and asked the three of them amusedly.

"Young Master, this is Tang Yihuan." The 15-year-old girl said.

"I, I am Tang Yiru." said the nine-year-old girl.

"I'm Tang Jing." The quiet 13-year-old girl said.

"Well, pack up and go to rest!" Tangning smiled, and walked out.

Seeing them leave, the three of them glanced at each other, and then let out a sigh of relief. Tang Yiru patted his chest and said, "I was scared to death."

"Let's go! Pack up and rest." Tang Yihuan said, walking back with the two of them.

There were originally four people, but after this sudden assault, one person was eliminated again. They faintly knew that the candidate chosen by the young master was extraordinary in terms of talent and temperament, and they could really Do you stay until the end?

Tangning walked slowly to the courtyard where the boy lived. Seeing that there were still lights on in the courtyard, he waved his hand to signal the guard behind him to retreat, and walked toward the courtyard.

Qingzhi stood outside and watched. Because of the soundproof barrier, he couldn't hear the movement inside, and he didn't know what was going on inside. He just waited quietly.

Standing in the courtyard, Tangning raised her hand, and saw a ray of light passing by, and everything in front of him became illusory. No one had noticed this change, but everyone had a dream...

Tangning entered their dreams and watched their dreams like an outsider. She knew that some of the collateral children who were sent over were favored in the family, some were not favored, but through the dreams they saw their past In daily life, I found that some differences are really big.

In the dream, she saw their hidden side. Compared with their performance in the daytime, everything in this dream was their truest state of mind.

After watching everyone's state of mind quietly, she raised her hand and walked out. When she came to the courtyard, she confessed to the youth outside: "Let them meet in the front yard tomorrow morning."

"Yes." Qingzhi responded and watched her leave.

In the early morning of the next day, Tangning got up early, holding the fruit while eating, and looked at the ten people standing upright in the courtyard, and said, "You can stay among the dozens of people until now. You can see that everything is excellent. However, although you are staying now, whether you can stay until the end depends on your next performance."

"Yes." The ten people answered loudly, looking at the Tsing Yi boy sitting above, excited.

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