Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1449: What medicine

When the two people who heard the sound came out, they saw their group walking in in strides. When they saw them, smiles appeared on their faces: "You are back!"

"Look at who this is?" Situ smiled and pushed Shen Xingyue from behind.

"Hehe, it's me." Shen Xingyue, who came out from behind, naughtyly took the hand covering his face, showing a smile.

"It's Yue'er!" Xingtong looked at her in surprise, and quickly stepped forward: "Why are you with them? Aren't you at home?"

"Yeah! Why are you with her? What's going on?" Hanzhi also asked in surprise.

"This is a long story, let's go inside." Situ patted his shoulder and strode inside.

"Sister Tong, I miss you so much! Do you want me?" Yue'er asked with a smile, holding her hand.

"Yes! So it's a pleasant surprise to see you." Xingtong said with a smile, leading her in and said: "Even if the master is not at home, if she is at home, she will be very happy to see you."

"Hehe, Tang Tang knows I'm here." She said with a grin, and sat down on a chair after entering.

"We didn’t know that she was here. We only knew that Master Tang gave us a message. After listening to Master Tang’s words, we knew that the person who brought her here was not a good person. When we found her, she The blood wounds on the whole body are not light, and fortunately, Master Tang sent us a message, otherwise this girl will probably die halfway."

Situ smiled and said, took a sip of tea from the teacup, moistened her throat, and said: "We took her to the forest for a while, thinking that Master Tang is not at home, so we will come back and take a look. If anything, we can also help."

"The master, the old lady, and Master Mo have all gone back. The master asked us to guard our home, and Master Qi stayed here to guard. By the way, Master Qi had successfully advanced to the Nascent Soul before the master and the others returned." Xingtong told them about the situation here.

"Oh? They all went back? Then did you say when to come back? When Master Tang gave us a voice transmission, he didn't say anything else." Ye Feibai asked.

"The master said it will take a few months at least, and it will take a year and a half longer, but looking at it now, it is estimated to be a year and a half!"

"Want to go back so long? What about the others? When we came back, we saw you two in the house." Su Yanqing asked.

"Except for Master Qi who went to the building, Tianyou and Taoyao were at the medicine gate."

"Medicinal door?" Upon hearing this, Ye Feibai and others were puzzled: "What medicine door?"

Seeing this, Xingtong smiled and said, "You don’t know when you go out, Yunlai Mountain is already the master, and it has been changed to a medicine gate some time ago. God blessed the cultivation in it, Taoyao planted elixir in it, Yun Came to the mountain is not very far from here, since you are back, I will show you some day."

Ye Feibai was slightly surprised when he heard it: "Tsk, Master Tang is fast enough! She actually made a medicine door. By the way, she is the opener of the mountain and is planning to accept disciples?"

Xingtong shook his head and said, "The master didn't say anything."

"It is better to hit the sun if you choose another day, then go tomorrow!" Su Yanqing looked at them and asked, "What do you think?"

"Yes, let's go tomorrow!" Situ also smiled and nodded, wanting to see what Master Tang's medicine door was like.

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