Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1460: Choose by yourself

The other people watched this scene, their gazes shrunk slightly, their gazes fell on the beautiful woman, and one of them screamed: "Tack that woman first!"

Those people shouldn't be afraid, only this beautiful woman, whose strength makes them jealous, if you want to kill them all, you have to kill this woman first!

"Go!" Everyone yelled, giving up attacking others, and instead attacked Tangning.

"I can't help myself."

Tang Ning glanced at them, her sleeves flicked, and while the fallen leaves were flying, every leaf was enveloped by the aura of spiritual power, turning into hidden weapons and attacking the cultivators who came up.


A cry of exclamation was accompanied by a scream, and I saw that the casual cultivators fell backwards. Seeing them fell, there was no movement. Tang Jinqian stepped forward to check and saw their eyebrows or throats. There is a tree leaf everywhere, all the thin tree leaves are immersed, only a little green is left outside...

"Young Master, they are all dead." Several people turned around and said, their moods fluctuating. When will they be as powerful as the young master?

"Then what are you doing in a daze? Collect all the valuable things from them." Tangning said, seeing that the fire was about to die, she kicked a few branches over.

After several people froze for a while, they quickly responded: "Yes!" For the first time picking up something from a dead person, except for Tang Jinqian, the others were a little uncomfortable.

Searched inside and out, and piled everything found in front of Tangning: "Young Master, it's all here."

Tangning glanced at the pile of things in front of him, and said, "You divide it!"

When several people heard this, they looked at each other. After looking at the pile of things, they discussed it, and Tang Jinqian said, "Young Master, you killed almost all these people. We can't take these things. "

Hearing that, Tangning raised her eyebrows, glanced at them, and then laughed: "In this case, each of you can pick one thing from here! Let me give you something."

"Thank you, Young Master." The few people smiled with joy.

Tang Feipeng was the first to run forward, picking up a Xiujian and said: "I want this." As he said, he swung his arm around with gestures.

"I want this dagger. It has gems on it, so beautiful." Tang Yiru also stepped forward, picked up a dagger with a gorgeous coat, and looked at the gems inlaid on it, she couldn't put it down.

"I want this short knife." Tang Yiwei picked up a short knife. The knife was as long as his arm. He used it just right, and he found this short knife from the person in charge. It was very sharp.

"I want this bow and arrow." Tang Jing stepped forward and picked up a bow and arrow. The bow and arrow looked small but heavy in the hands. The bow and arrow were also carved with bird wings. She didn't look very eye-catching, but she just glanced at it. In phase.

Tangning saw that she took the hand and pulled the bow. The posture was very standard, but she couldn't pull the bow with any force, so she asked, "Have you practiced bow and arrow?"

"My dad taught me when I was very young, and later my dad is gone, I have been practicing." Tang Jing said.

Hearing this, Tangning nodded, glanced at the bow and arrow, and said, "This bow is different from ordinary bows and arrows. If you want to open it, you have to inject spiritual energy, and take the arrow together." She gestured. With.

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