Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1463: Come to invite

In the room, the three of Tang Yihuan glanced at each other when they saw the light smoke coming in. The three held their breath and stood behind the door with weapons in their hands.

After a while, the two people outside heard that there was no movement inside, and they pried the door open with a knife. One of them walked in gently, and the other went to the next room.

The moment the man entered the room and closed the door with his backhand, a sap hit the back of his neck.


The man groaned before he could do it, and the whole person fell down. The three of them tied him up quickly and stuffed a cloth ball in their mouths. After scouring his body, the next door Tang Jinqian had knocked on the door outside.

"Yihuan? How are you doing?"

The door opened, Tang Yihuan turned sideways to let him in, and said, "I have fainted, what should I do?"

"Kill!" Tang Jinqian said, looking at them and said: "I have solved the one next door, and I can't keep this one."

"Okay, throw the person out in the dark for a while." Tang Yihuan said, stepping forward and wiping the monk's neck with a knife, and then throwing the body into the alley outside with Tang Jinqian.

Tangning in the dark raised her eyebrows. Seeing that their vigilance is good, and the means of handling things are also sharp, it was a bit of a surprise, she thought these people would suffer! Unexpectedly, the two monks were unlucky, and they were actually planted in their hands.

In the early morning of the next day, I saw them go to the market and hire a carriage to go to the sect. Tangning also followed along, preparing to wait for them to enter the sect before leaving.

On the other side, in Magic Moon City, Elder Tang and Mo Ye have been back for a while, and since they came back, Qi Bohe has also found a chance to go to the medicine gate.

In the medicine gate, during this time several other people also successfully advanced to become golden core monks. At this time, they were discussing in the bamboo forest, and Song Tianyou, who had only left the customs two days ago, was also there.

"Okay! How come your kid's swordsmanship is so good?" Ye Feibai patted Song Tianyou on the shoulder, and said: "Now the peak of Qi refining is only one step away from building the foundation, and the swordsmanship has improved so much. At that time, Master Tang will come back and see you, you will definitely be happy."

"Yeah, I have been cultivating seriously during this period of time." Song Tianyou said with excitement in his eyes, "Master said that when she comes back, I will build a foundation."


Qi Baihe's voice came. Several people looked back and saw him walking slowly in a white robe. Ye Feibai, who was next to him, smiled and looked at Song Tianyou and said, "Your junior is here."

Song Tianyou smiled and ran forward: "Junior Brother, why are you here? Didn't you keep guarding in the city? Or did you say Master and the others came back? That's why you came up?"

"Master has not returned yet, but Master Mo and Master have returned." Qi Baihe said, nodding to Ye Feibai and the others: "How are you doing recently?"

"Well, we have been cultivating here during this period of time. Chen Dao and a few of them have also successfully advanced to the golden core. This is really a good place with a lot of spiritual energy." Ye Fei said with a smile, and said: "Let's go ahead and have tea. !"

The group of people walked to Taolin in front. Taoyao, who was finished, saw that they were all sitting there, so she prepared tea for them, and then sat down and listened to them chatting.

Qi Baihe took a sip of tea and said: "I heard Master said that Master should be back soon, and my family is going to Beihai. I want to ask if you are interested in going together?"

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