Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1472: Formal apprenticeship

Seeing this, several people looked at each other, and immediately knelt down to her: "Tang Master, please accept us as disciples!"

Hearing this, Tangning was slightly surprised: "Accept you as disciples?" She looked at the nine people who were kneeling on the ground and said, "With your current strength, you don't need to worship me as a teacher!"

"We are able to have our current strength, all taught by Master Tang. Master Tang has a relationship with us, but no teacher and apprentice. Now the medicine gate is established. We hope Master Tang can accept us as apprentices. Name." Ye Feibai said.

During this period of time, they have been thinking about this. Once Master Tang was their mentor, teaching them about cultivation and the principles of life. Since Master Tang came here, they have also followed, and they also got Tang The teacher teaches the grace of care. Although they don't have the name of teacher and apprentice, they have always performed the gift of teacher and apprentice, so they want to take the opportunity of the establishment of the medicine gate to formally apprentice the teacher.

When they walk outside in the future, even if someone asks about their ancestors, they can proudly tell each other that they have learned from the medicine master Tang!

Tangning didn't expect that they were talking about this, but seeing their serious and solemn expressions, it was obviously not a whim. She couldn't help looking at Mo Ye next to him, wanting to ask his opinion.

"You said you can't accept it?" She is such a lazy person, who originally wanted to accept so many apprentices.

When Master Tang asked like this, the Nine Situ suddenly looked at Mo Ye nervously, and called out pitifully, "Master..."

Hearing this, Tangning chuckled, glared at them, and said, "I haven't said whether to accept it? Your master called it?"

Mo Ye couldn't help but bend his mouth slightly when he heard that teacher. He glanced at the nine people who were kneeling on the ground and said to Tangning, "Why don't you train them as apprentices? It has long ago, so let's all be the master and apprentice!"

"Thank you, Master!" Situ and the others thanked Tangning with joy, and they banged their heads at Tangning three more times: "Thanks to Master!"

Seeing them knocked their heads three times quickly, Tangning couldn't help but raised her eyebrows, and said, "Then you say, this teacher is worshipping, who of the nine of you is the brother? Who is the brother? You know that although you are following me It’s been a long time, but before you, there were already two senior apprentices."

Upon hearing this, Niu Dali grinned: "Hey, Master, we have already discussed this matter. I ranked third, Situ fourth, Ye Feibai fifth, Su Yanqing sixth, Yin Qianze seventh, Gao Chen Eighth, Song Yixiu is ninth, Chen Dao is tenth, and Hong Yuan is eleventh."

Listening to this ranking, Tangning glanced at them and saw that they had no objections, and then asked, "You are ranked by strength? Have you tried it? The Mavericks are already the strongest among you?"

"He was a win, and I would definitely not lose to him if I did it again." Situ said, thinking of losing half of the move in the last competition, it turned out to be like this.

"A win is also a win." Niu Dali smiled triumphantly.

"Let's go! Now that you are all lined up, wait until Xiaohe comes back, you will officially apprentice your teacher again!" She said, looking at Song Tianyou who was delighted, and said: "At that time, you big brother will also Must be there."

"Yeah, Master, do they think they have to call me Senior Brother after they have worshipped Master?" Song Tianyou asked with excitement.

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