Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1474: In a while

Song Tianyou laughed and said: "From now on, we will all be brothers, and we will be like a family, the second brother, you can tell the rules of the teacher's door to the brothers!"

He always remembered that Master said that he would be a big brother in the future, so he worked hard to hold the appearance of the big brother, but the voice was hard to hide the immature, and the expression on his face was full of joy and joy. These two contrasts merged together. The way people looked at him couldn't help but smile.

Qi Baihe looked at the nine people in front of him, and said to them what the master said when he was a teacher.

Seeing that everything was done, Tangning said, "If there is nothing wrong, then let it go!"

"Master, I went down the mountain yesterday, and learned that the family members have already set off, and they should arrive in Magic Moon City within two days." Qi Baihe told him about the matter.

"Yeah." Tangning replied, looked at Situ and the others, and said, "You should also prepare, and we will set off when they arrive."

"Yes." Everyone responded. After watching the two of them leave, they chatted in the hall, planning to go back to the city tomorrow to talk to the old man about it, and prepare some dry food and other things that can be eaten on the way.

Two days later, the Qi family's spacecraft stopped outside the City of Magic Moon, and the team on the spacecraft came down to move around. People who had been waiting there saw the Qi characters on the sails of the spacecraft, and they quickly entered the city to report.

After receiving the news, Qi Baihe told Situ and the others, they went outside the city first, and Situ and the others quickly went back to the mountain to inform Tangning.

"Since you're here, let's go!" Tang Ning, who was drinking tea with Mo Ye in the peach blossom forest freely, said, and took the spaceship to the outside of Huan Yue City with them.

Outside the city, a luxurious large spaceship was parked there, which naturally attracted a lot of people's onlookers. Seeing the Qi characters written on the sails, many people were talking in a low voice.

"It's the Qi family's spacecraft. This spacecraft is so big that it can hold nearly a hundred people on it. I just looked at it closely, and it seems that there really is a team resting on it."

"What is the Qi family's spacecraft parked here for? I also brought a team, what is it for?"

"It's like waiting for someone. You haven't seen anyone on the spaceship poking their heads and looking in the direction of the city gate."

"Look, that is the young master of the Qi family, isn't he here to pick him up?"

"He? He is Master Tang's apprentice. He has been helping some poor people in Qilou in the World. He has good medical skills."

Everyone was talking, watching the young master Qi family who was dressed in a white robe slowly stepped onto the spaceship, many people were envious. This young master of the Qi family has good looks, outstanding temperament, good family background, and also worshipped Master Tang as his teacher. It can be said that he is a winner in life. Such a person really does not know what kind of woman can marry him in the future. .

On the spacecraft, Qi Baihe saluted his third uncle and asked: "San uncle, didn't my father come?"

"Bohe! It's been a long time since I've seen you, your hair has grown out."

Oldest Qi smiled and looked at him and said, "Your father can't walk away, so let me go with the two worship elders. This time we brought sixty people out, all of whom were one out of a hundred. By the way, do you respect them? When will they arrive?"

"Master, they should be here in a while." Qi Baihe said, looking at the other people in the spacecraft, who also bowed respectfully to him at this time.

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