Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1476: Whereabouts

Seeing this, Qi Baihe and his third uncle walked back. After boarding the spacecraft, they did not stop and set off. The two spacecraft flew to the north of the sky one after the other...

One month later, as they entered the Northland, the temperature in the air gradually dropped. On this day, when the two spacecraft were traveling in mid-air, the sky was snowing and the north wind was whistling. Driving in midair, affected by the airflow, Qi's spacecraft was ready to stop to avoid the wind and snow.

Seeing the Qi's spacecraft in front go down, Tangning and the others who followed followed also went down. The two spacecrafts landed in the open space below one after the other.

There was a defensive cover on the spacecraft, and the wind and snow could not enter. When the spacecraft stopped, the family members did not disembark, but directly rested on the ship, eating dry food, and prepared to wait for the wind and snow to pass before continuing on the road.

"Uncle San, I'll go to my master's side to take a look." Qi Baihe said, and opened the opening of the defensive cover. As soon as the opening was opened, only a gust of cold wind blew in, making people's hairs stand up. .

"Hey, the wind in the north is colder than ours, and the surrounding area is even more white, and there are no other people." Oldest Qi rubbed his hands, and when he saw him walking out, he shouted: "Bohe, don't you wear a cloak?"

"No need." Qi Baihe, who got out of the spaceship, walked towards his master's spaceship with a protective body of spiritual power.

The distance between the two ships was only about 20 meters, and the protective body with spiritual power did not feel cold. After a while, I boarded the spacecraft and saw his master standing on the bow looking down.

"Master." Qi Baihe called out and walked forward and said: "We have to rest here tonight, and wait until the wind and snow stops before leaving."

"Okay." Tangning replied, shouting to Situ and the others: "Situ, prepare the stove and ingredients. We will eat hot pot later."

"Okay." Situ smiled and prepared with Ye Feibai and the others.

"Mo Ye, I'll go down and take a look, Xiaohe, follow along." Tangning said, before going under the spaceship.

"Wait." Mo Ye called her, walked forward and took out a thick black cloak from the space and put it on her. After putting on the big cap of the cloak, he tied her belt again: "Don't catch the cold. ."

Tangning curled her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Okay." She gathered her cloak and walked down, and Qi Baihe behind followed.

As soon as she stepped off the ship and landed on the ground, Tangning raised her eyebrows, stepped on the ice under her feet, and looked at the place where the Qi family’s spacecraft was, and then said to Qi Baihe behind him: "Little crane, this is not The ground, but the water, became ice and formed the ice. The ice here is not very thick. It’s not very good for your spacecraft to park on it. Let them move their positions so that they won’t stop for a long time. The face split and the ship sank in."

When Qi Baihe heard him say this, he noticed that the two ships stopped at different positions. The master’s spacecraft was parked in a place with trees on the side, which could block some wind and snow. Not to mention, the bottom was also the ground, and his spacecraft The position is parked on the empty ice surface, and the ice surface is flat and empty. It is indeed better to park the spacecraft, but if it is under ice...

"Master, I'll go back and talk to them." Qi Baihe said, then walked back.

Tangning ignored him, but squatted down and knocked on the surface of the ice to listen to the sound, and then condensed a breath of spiritual energy with his fingers, opening a small hole in the surface of the ice.

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