Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1491: Who wants to go down

The sound was concealed by the sound of avalanche, and I saw a white snow wave rumbling down, burying everything in the snow...

Situ and the others watched that the two snow beasts were covered by the heavy snow and there was no movement, and the people's reaction speed was also fast. They quickly climbed to the top of the thickest and largest tree and held the big tree tightly until the snow wave passed. Talent comes down from above.

They looked at it and saw that there was no movement in the snow, and they went elsewhere unwillingly.

Watching them walk away, Gao Chen looked at the snowy area and said, "Should those two snow beasts die?"

"For the beasts living in the snow, they can't die, but they don't know where they were photographed by the snow waves, otherwise those people wouldn't just leave like this."

Ye Feibai said, looking at the place where they had dug snow ginseng before, and seeing that there was also a large amount of snow there, he said to Tangning, "Master, we only dug a dozen snow ginseng below."

Tangning took over the income space and said, "It's enough for medicine, so you can go around! I'm going to collect medicine, you don't understand." She sent them away and said, "Just remember not to go back too late. "

Seeing this, they glanced at each other and nodded: "Okay, let's go around by ourselves." After a salute, they left first, and Song Tianyou also followed them.

After watching them leave, Tangning smiled at Mo Ye: "Let's take a look around!"

"Yeah." The two of them flew to the heights of the snow-capped mountains with a flying sword.

On the other side, Situ and the others are going to the Glacier River to see if they can catch some spirit fish. After all, they don't know much about spirit medicine. As for spirit fish, they can still eat them if they catch them.

Several Yujian left, and when they were about to leave the mountain, they heard Song Tianyou's voice.

"Look, it's those people who were surrounded by a group of wolves." Song Tianyou pointed to the scene in the snow forest ahead.

Ye Feibai glanced at him and said, "These people should be from other tribes. They have a foundation-building cultivator, and the others are Qi-refining cultivators. They are stared at by that group of wolves, and it is estimated that they will not die."

"These people are running around in the snow forest. The avalanche has not buried them before, and it is normal to be stared at by the wolf." Situ said leisurely.

Listening to them, Song Tianyou blinked, looked at them and asked, "Shall we help them?"

"Why do you want to help them?" Yin Qianze asked with a smile, looking at Song Tianyou and said: "Big brother, do they have a reason to help them?"

Song Tianyou thought for a while, and said, "Although these people made us unable to dig snow ginseng, they didn’t know that we were digging snow ginseng. In fact, there was nothing wrong with it. If we don’t help them, they are afraid that many people will die. , And for us, driving away the wolves is just a matter of fingertips, isn't it, you are so powerful." As he said, he smiled and pulled Lasitu's sleeve.

Hearing this, several people laughed, and Situ laughed: "Since the big brother said so, who of you wants to help?"

"I'm going!" Niu Dali said, looking at Situ and said, "I'm going to do some activities, you go first, and I will chase you if I drive away the wolves."

"I'll go with you." Song Tianyou said, coming to Niu Dali's flying sword, and said to Situ and the others: "I will go with the third junior brother, you go first!"

Seeing this, several people nodded: "Okay, then you be careful and follow up quickly." With Brother Niu there, they don't need to worry about the safety of the little guy.

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