Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1493: Due pay

When more than a dozen young men and women were desperate, when the majestic man with a large sword in his hand appeared, he saw the hope of alive, the wolf pack that was difficult for them to defeat, because of him. The appearance of the brutal and bloodthirsty wolves died of casualties, and the remaining few fled. A crisis was easily resolved.

Niu vigorously glanced at them, and saw that although he was injured, but could not die, he ignored them again, but looked at the two fighting in front, and grinned uncontrollably.

Although their senior brother is a little younger, it's really not enough to have such fighting power at such a young age. How wonderful is this sword dance? It is said that this set of swordsmanship was taught by the master, and only taught him alone!

At this moment, he couldn't help thinking, if another ten years pass, will he be able to beat them? Well, this is a question worth thinking about.

"Who are you! Why bother to be nosy!"

The middle-aged monk yelled and asked, his strength to build a foundation is not even a little bit cheaper than this kid, and there are several more bone wounds on his body. What a damn!

"If I have nothing to eat, I just want to be nosy!"

Song Tianyou snorted coldly, but the sword in his hand didn't stop for the least. He recruited fiercely, but didn't take his life until he saw that the people over there had been rescued. Then he turned his hand, and the sword was sharp With a burst of sword-gang energy, he slashed at the opponent's sword-holding wrist at an extremely fast speed, directly abolishing the veins in his hand.


The middle-aged man dropped the knife in his hand to the snow, covered his wrist with his other hand, and stared at them bitterly. When he turned around and wanted to escape, Song Tianyou, who was overtaken by him, directly abandoned his cultivation.


Listening to the screams passing through the air, the dozen young men and women were stunned, looking at the scene in disbelief.

That kid actually used up the strength of a foundation-building monk! No, it should be that the kid is actually a foundation builder!

Song Tianyou stepped forward and directly searched the foundation-building cultivator whose cultivation base had been abolished. He took all the valuable things from him, and walked to the dozens of young men and women, saying: "We Didn’t you even say thank you for saving you?"

More than a dozen people were stared at and asked by a child, and quickly reacted: "Thank you for your life-saving graces from the two benefactors. We are the Ge family tribe..."

Song Tianyou didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and said directly: "Who cares what tribe you are, go quickly."

"Yes." Seeing that this amazingly powerful kid drove away, they didn't dare to stay too much. They supported the injured body and quickly left, while the person who was dethroned for cultivation was dragged back by them.

Niu vigorously put away the big knife in his hand, looked at the things that Song Tianyou was holding in his hand, and teased: "Big brother, why are you still searching for things on people?"

"Master said, this is a trophy." Song Tianyou lifted his chin, smiled triumphantly, and said: "And we saved them, we should get some reward."

"Then can we go now?" Niu asked with a big smile.

Song Tianyou glanced at the people who had left, and said, "Let's go! These people should be fine. Let's go after the younger brother and them."

"Okay." Niu vigorously grinned, and Yu Jian headed towards the glacier river with him.

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