Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1495: Don't get started

After regaining his senses, Gao Chen said in a stupefied manner: "Is this fish perfected?"

"The two spirit fishes add up to more than 30 catties. It's a pity that they slipped like this." Song Yixiu said, looking at the surface of the water, "I guess I can't catch spirit fish here, or else Change another place?"

Ye Feibai smiled bitterly: "It seems that there is no other way except to change the place." The water is stirred so that even if there are fish, it will go to other places, even if it is deep in the depths, it is no longer possible to catch it.

"Then change another place."

As several people said, they changed another place, but, I don’t know if all the spirit fishes became fine, but this time I couldn’t disturb one. After trying several times, I didn’t catch the spirit fish, so I had to rest my mind. .

"This spirit fish is really hard to catch. I don't know how the people here caught it?" Situ said, after thinking about it, he looked at them and said, "Why don't you go back and ask?"

"Don't ask, I know."

The sound of Niu vigorously came from mid-air. A few people looked back and saw him and Song Tianyou coming with swords. When they saw the two of them, a few of them smiled and asked, "Why did you come here so long?"

"When we came over, we saw someone catching fish in the river, and we watched there for a while." Song Tianyou said, jumping off the flying sword and walking in front of them and said: "They said the spirit fish in the glacier river is not easy Catch, if you really want to catch it, you can only enter the water."

"Into the water?" Several people were slightly surprised, glanced at each other, and said: "This river is freezing cold to the bone, go down to catch fish? Maybe not many can stand it, right?"

Niu vigorously answered, "For us, it is bitterly cold, but for the people who live here, they are used to it. Some of them will take a bath and swim in the river every morning."

He stretched his waist and moved, saying: "I want to go down and try, it should be cool."


Situ, Ye Feibai and the others couldn't help laughing upon hearing this: "Then you go down and try." If Liang Kuai understands this way, it would be cool.

While taking off his clothes, Niu Dali said, "The water is colder, but I used to swim in the river when I was at home."

Seeing him taking off while talking, Situ raised his eyebrows and asked, "Brother Niu, don't you want to take it off?"

"How is it possible? Leave a pair of pants anyway."

Niu grinned vigorously, and there was only a pair of shorts standing there. His sturdy figure made Song Yixiu see that he couldn't help saying: "Brother Niu, this figure is good! Look at these arm muscles, this abdominal muscles, tut, really solid."

"Hey." Niu Dali took his hand away, with a simple smile on his face, and said: "Just look at it, the two men don't get started."

Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned, and then laughed, and saw that he had patted his chest with a handful of cold river water before taking a deep breath, and jumped in.


He jumped into the river and splashed a large splash of water. When he got into the river, he popped his head and exhaled and shouted to them: "This water is so comfortable, come down! What are you doing standing on? ?"

"Brother Niu, first see if you can catch the spirit fish, if you can catch it, it's not too late for us to go down!" Ye Fei said with a smile, let him try to catch the spirit fish in the water.

"Okay, I dive a little deeper to see." Niu Dali said, diving into the river.

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