Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1499: Pharmaceutical method

Upon hearing this, Chief Zhuo was stunned for a while. He watched Master Tang walk to the bed, and followed him to check the condition of the man who got out of the bed. He saw the frost on his body after being poured into the small bowl of water. It has disappeared, and the purple-red color on his skin is gradually becoming lighter. Seeing this scene, he was shocked.

"For so many years, no one knows that these two things can detoxify the ice fish..."

The people who live by the glacier river, how many people die under the poison of this ice fish all year round, they never knew how easy it is to detoxify this fish...

His heart was both excited and uncomfortable. What was excited was that he finally knew how the poison was solved. What was uncomfortable was that countless lives died on this poison for so many years.

"Master, how is Brother Niu?" Situ asked, looking at Tangning who helped him get his pulse.

Tang Ning retracted his hand and said, "Let him sleep! He should be fine when he wakes up. You can help him deal with the injury on his calf."

"Yes." Several people responded, and they were relieved.

"Master Tang, can you please come to Shangwu for a cup of tea? I want to ask Master Tang for something." Chief Zhuo bowed his hand to Tangning, hoping that he could sit with him and talk about this ice fish The poison and antidote.

Tang Ning nodded, "Okay." She looked at Mo Ye and said, "I'll go back to the house to find you in a while."

"Well, go!" Mo Ye said, watching them leave before saying to Situ: "Put away the fish beads and scales."

"Okay." Situ responded and put the two things into the space.

On the other side, Chief Zhuo and Tangning were sitting in the room, talking about the detoxification of Bingyanyu.

"Master Tang, those two things can detoxify Bing Yanyu's poison. If you take it first, can you also guarantee that you won't die if you are bitten?"

Tangning drank the hot milk tea, and said, "Taking it in advance will not do much. On the contrary, it will waste those two things. However, if it is made into pills and carried with you, it will be able to be bitten by the ice fish. Take it and detoxify immediately."

While talking, she took another sip of the milk tea, feeling the fragrance of the milk tea spreading between her mouth, and the silky taste made her take another sip.

Made into pills?

Upon hearing this, Chief Zhuo was stunned. The next moment he reacted, he quickly got up and knelt down to Tangning, folded his forehead and put his hands on top of his hands and made a big ceremony: "Please teach me how to make medicine, Master Tang, my tribe people , I will remember the great grace of Tang Master for thousands of years."

Tangning drank the milk tea in the bowl, put the tea bowl down and looked at Chief Zhuo who was kneeling in front of him, and said, "Chief Zhuo, get up and talk!"

Hearing this, Chief Zhuo raised his head to look at Tang Ning, and when he saw him smiling, he stood up: "Master Tang..."

"I can teach you to make antidote pills, but you have to promise me one thing." Tangning said slowly.

"Master Tang, please tell me." Don't say one thing, as long as he can make ten antidote pills, he will also agree to ten.

Tangning glanced at him and said, "There are many tribes living on the banks of the glacier river, and many people must have died from the poisonous Bingyan fish. I taught you how to make pills. I don’t know how to make pills. I hope you will keep it private, you need this detoxification recipe, and I think other tribes will also need it."

Hearing this, Chief Zhuo paused, and said, "Master Tang, I understand what I mean, I will let people pass a letter to the leaders of other tribes."

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