Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1559: Tangning Immortal Body

I saw that the sacred power of the Buddha's light shot from the temple overlaps the golden light that spilled from the sky, and in these two rays of light, the little golden light gradually condensed and transformed into a figure, the figure is in The air turned gently, and a little golden light rotated with the figure, gradually condensing and forming.

"It's a woman!"

"Oh my God! Look at it! Is that a fairy?"


"Yeah! It's so beautiful... So that's how fairies are..."

"I have no regrets for seeing a fairy in this life..."

"To see such a rare wonder in a century, I have no regrets in this life..."

Some of the people in the town looked at the figure of the woman who was gradually condensing and transforming in the golden light in the sky, some worshipped with piousness, and some had forgotten the reaction and just stared blankly.

Looking at the golden light, gently turning the figure gradually condensed into a solid form, the aqua-blue dress skirt turned in the golden light, swinging out a circle of charming skirt flowers, and then looking up, it was full of unbearable. A slender waist was tied with a belt of the same color, and she outlines a perfect exquisite figure, her hands stretched out and her face slightly tilted upwards, her eyes closed and not opened, and a silky silky hair draped behind her. Length to waist.

When everyone's eyes fell on her face, they were slightly startled, and the more they looked at it, the more they felt that the beautiful face of Qingcheng was a bit familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere.

"Why do I seem to have seen this fairy? I can't remember where I have seen it for a while."

"You have this feeling too? I also feel as if I have seen it before."

"Yeah! Why look familiar."

The ancestors of the Hong family and Song family were also meditating, until when they saw the woman in the golden light slowly opening their eyes, the two of them were shocked and exclaimed.

"Ah! This is not Master Tang!"

"This is Master Tang!"

The two exclaimed at the same time, looking at the figure in the sky, and finally recognized that this was Master Tang. When they were different, the Master Tang they had seen before was a woman disguised as a man, and she had a bald head and no hair. Now that the person in the sky wore a blue dress, with black hair scattered behind him, his figure was exquisite and curvy, and he was dressed up as a woman, so they didn't remember that this person was Master Tang! Tang Ning, the eldest of the Tang family!

"What? Master Tang? But this obviously has hair!"

"That said, it seems to be really the same as the face of the golden figure in the temple, no, it is more beautiful than the face of the golden figure inside, more amazing, and the whole body is floating, as if The goddess above the nine heavens..."

Among the golden light in the sky, Tangning slowly opened her eyes. As the immortal figure cultivated, the golden light in the sky gradually dissipated, while the Buddha's light and holy power on her body was still condensed.

She raised her hand in the air and felt that this body was different from the past. She couldn't help but pursed her lips and made a smile. With the movement of her heart, a ray of light flew from the center of her eyebrows, and only heard an ancient sound. The sound of powerful pressure spread in the sky.


The three-legged golden crow appeared in the sky in its original form, and only heard a crow's cry entrained powerful pressure to sway in the air. The huge original form was full of prestige. It flapped its wings and flew in the air. After circling a few times, it turned into A ray of light shrank, forming a black crow to land on Tangning's shoulder.

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