Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1585: It's all here

After a meal, Tangning drank some wine, so Tangning went back to the yard to rest, while Mo Ye accompanied Tang Elder to play chess.

Situ and Su Yanqing and Qi Baihe were sitting in the front yard, drinking tea and talking, Song Tianyou took the junior apprentice to the martial arts training ground. After about an hour, Niu Dali and others also arrived.

When they were all gathered in the hall, Niu Dali asked: "Situ, you sent us the news, what does it mean that there are more juniors?"

"Could it be..."

Ye Feibai glanced at them and asked, "Is it possible that the master is back?" Is it possible? At the beginning, they watched Master's body turn into golden light and dissipate.

Situ took a sip of tea, looked at them, and said, "Yes, the respected master is back, and he also accepted a younger brother for us."

"What? Really?"

"Really? It's no joke."

"Where is the master? He really came back?"

They asked in surprise, and looked at Qi Bohe with a look of disbelief: "Second Brother, what Situ said is true?"

Qi Baihe nodded and said, "Well, it's true, the master has really come back, and he also accepted a junior brother for us."

"Where is the master? I'll see you."

"I'll go as well."

Seeing that they were going out one after another, Qi Baihe called them: "Wait a minute."

Ye Feibai looked at him, not knowing what he meant.

Su Yanqing smiled and said: "Master has drunk a lot of wine, this will be asleep, you will not see her after you go, it is better to sit first, let the second senior brother tell you about Master's recent years."

When they heard the news, they sat back, looked at Qi Baihe, and asked, "Second brother, what is going on? Tell me!"

"Yes! Back then, we obviously saw the master transform into golden light and dissipate..."

"Don't worry, listen to me."

Qi Baihe raised his hand to signal, looked at them and said: "When I came back, Master said that she came back only after she cultivated an immortal body. She has been in the land of mortals all these years..." He told the Master to him and told him They solved the doubts in their hearts.

After a long time, they nodded suddenly: "I see."

"Since the master is resting now, why don't we go to see the younger brother first?" Ye Fei said with a smile, looked at Niu Dali and others, and said: "This is all for a meeting ceremony."

"Hehe, no problem." Niu Dali grinned.

"This is natural." Song Yixiu also laughed.

"It's just a meeting ceremony. Those of us who are seniors can still get it." Yin Qianze also said with a smile.

"Let's go, look at our little junior brother, we have all seen his small appearance back then." Hong Yuan said with a smile.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled before they got up and walked to the martial arts field together. When they came to the martial arts field, they saw Song Tianyou teaching a thin, thin figure to practice the sword.

"So young? I remember he is six years old, right?" Yin Qianze was slightly surprised.

"Yes! This looks like four or five years old, and it's too skinny." Niu Dali frowned as he looked at the little figure.

"It seems that Yuwen's family didn't treat him favorably." Ye Feibai shook his head.

Qi Baihe's gaze fell on the small figure, and he sighed: "He has suffered a lot in the family. If it weren't for the master to come back and think of seeing him this time, I don't know how he lived at Yuwen's house. "

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