Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1615: I protect you

The boss sighed, and said, "Are those monks in the Human Realm really offended? They regard us as a thorn in their eyes. If the Demon Gate opens the Demon Father and Xiao Ba and goes to the Human Realm, it must be a nine-dead life."

"What should I do then?" the sixth child asked.

Several demon looked at each other, and finally fell on the boss with unanimous eyes. The boss saw this and said: "We will go with us. Even if there is any danger then, we will have a little more chance of survival. ."

Hearing this, a light of excitement gleamed in the eyes of the demon: "Let's go to the human world too? Brother, are you serious? Wouldn't it be bad? If we are all gone, here in the demon house How to do?"

Having said that, they all had a bit of expectation in their eyes. They had never been to the human world, and they didn't want to do a big thing, but just wanted to see what the human world was like.

"Don't you want to go? I know you also want to go. After all, you have never been. What's more, do you think you can persuade the demon father? Since you can't persuade, it's good to go and have a look together." The boss coughed. , Said seriously.

"But brother, don't you mean that human beings are cruel and bloodthirsty and regard us as thorns? We go, can we come back alive?" Old Qi was a little worried.

"That's right, but we should be careful. There shouldn't be any problems. We just went to the human world. I'm afraid it won't be easy for us to come back. After all, we can't open the demon gate with our demon power."

Tang Ning, who had released his divine sense and listened to them, glanced at the demon lord involuntarily, and couldn't help but think of a sentence in his mind. It is true that there must be a son if there is a father, and it feels that this nest is irrelevant.

Tangning stayed in this demon mansion for two days. Two days later, he set off with the demon lord and Xiao Ba to go to the black demon realm. The demon lord’s sons really followed, but they followed behind secretly.

In the animal car, the demon lord was sitting opposite Tangning. He was diligent along the way, handing fruit for a while, picking jerky for a while, and fanning her for a while, making Tangning very helpless.

"Demon Lord, you don't have to be like this, in fact, I have the master." Tangning said.

"There is a master? What kind of master?" The demon master asked, but did not react for a while.

"It means that famous flowers have a master, I already have a demon man." Tangning laughed, leaning back to look at the demon master: "And my demon man is very powerful."

Hearing this, the demon lord didn’t even feel surprised. On the contrary, he said naturally: "Miss Rabbit was born so beautiful and greasy, how could there be no Demon Xiao thinking? It’s normal to have a demon man, but I don’t care, wait until I see it. Your demon, as long as I beat him down, Miss Rabbit will be mine."

Tangning twitched her mouth, feeling that she was playing the piano against the demon.

After walking for two days, they were resting by the fire that evening, and they were stared at by a group of demons who emerged from nowhere.

Seeing the dozens of half-monsters surrounding him, Xiao Ba pulled his demon father's sleeve and asked, "Demon father, have you beaten so many demon?"

The demon lord snorted: "Xiao Ba, don't destroy your demon father's power, how can I be able to defeat them if I am a great demon?" As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the rabbit beside him, and said with a smile: "Miss Rabbit, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Looking back again, the smile on the demon's face was constricted, and a demon spirit poured out.

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