Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1628: I am very relieved

Tangning smiled, looked at the Scarlet Demon Lord, and responded, "Okay."

Hearing her answer, the half-monsters breathed a sigh of relief, grateful to the Red Demon Lord, and shouted at the moment: "Thank you, the Red Demon Lord, I will honor the Red Demon Lord in the future! Wait for the dispatch!"

Hearing these words, the boss couldn't help but glanced at Miss Rabbit, feeling that Miss Rabbit deliberately made the half-monsters grateful and respected his demon father.

Because the powerful demon in Chu Demon Mansion was hacked and killed, the Scarlet Demon Lord and the eight Scarlet Demon quickly took over, and the Chu Demon Mansion was transformed overnight.

Before it dawned, the Scarlet Demon Lord invited the rabbit to the hall: "Miss Rabbit, these are the treasures in the Chu Demon Mansion. According to what we said earlier, we are divided in half, but if Miss Rabbit is perfect, I can take over. Demon Chu Mansion, subdue the little demon underneath, so I can only use one-third of these treasures as a transfer to the Demon Mansion. The rest are all Miss Rabbit."

The eight scarlet demon stood aside, and had no objection to their demon father's distribution.

Tangning took a look at the Scarlet Demon Lord and smiled: "The Scarlet Demon Lord is so kind, so I'm not welcome." She didn't refuse, and put the treasures allocated by the Scarlet Demon Lord into the space.

After collecting the treasure, Tangning looked at the Scarlet Demon and said, "I want to ask, with the demon power of the Scarlet Demon Lord, is it really impossible to open the gate of the demon world?"

This Scarlet Demon Lord hides so deeply that even she has almost been deceived. It's really a demon's face!

I thought it was a naive, but he was just a big boss.

Hearing this, the Scarlet Demon Lord laughed: "Hahaha, Miss Rabbit, are you exhausted tonight? Should Miss Rabbit go to rest first? Let's talk about this question tomorrow?"

Tangning glanced at him, knowing that since he didn't want to say it, it wouldn't help to ask any more, so he said, "Okay! Then I'll go to rest first." When the words fell, she turned and walked outside.

After she left, several scarlet demon came forward: "Father Demon, what is your demon power..." They wanted to ask, how could his demon power be so strong? Originally they were worried that he would not be able to defeat the coward, but in the end the coward was killed by him, and he still had no injuries.

The Scarlet Demon Lord looked at the eight sons in front of him, sat down on the seat and smiled: "What? Do you all think your demon father is really just a lustful demon? This is a section the demon father gave you. In class, remember to keep a hand for everything. In this world where strength is respected, strength is the confidence, but still remember that you must have a hole card to save your life at all times."

He looked at a few stunned demon sons and smiled complacently: "Your demon father's powerhouse is definitely not what you can imagine. The image of the **** demon I have created over the years is actually to blur the sight of other demon. Only if it is not regarded as a thorn in the eye, there is a chance to grow into an existence that others cannot shake."

"What makes me gratified is that these few years, your brothers have worked together to guard the demon mansion and support each other. You don't have to fight for power and gain like other demon mansions. It's good." He looked at them with satisfaction. Nodded.

The eight little scarlet demon were stunned. They didn't expect it to be like this. For a long time, they thought that their demon father was a lustful **** demon, and they kept worrying about his death in sex. , But never thought...

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