Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1635: Unconcealed strength

"Okay, I see." Chi Xiaoba responded, seeing nothing to him, so he went back to rest first.

For the next two days, Tangning also went out early and returned late. She was only satisfied after spending all the demon coins she had. In her space, there were also many kinds of treasures like a small mountain.

In the past two days, many half-monsters were inquiring about news in the demon mansion, but it is worth mentioning that no half-monsters came to cause trouble.

After staying here for three days, Tangning and the Scarlet Demon Lord quietly left the Demon Mansion that night, leaving only eight Scarlet Demon guards in the Demon Mansion.

In the evening two days later, Tangning and the Scarlet Demon Lord came to the gathering place. Seeing that the half-monsters in front were sitting in a scattered place, the Scarlet Demon Lord seemed to be waiting for something. Then the Scarlet Demon Lord said to Tangning: "Let’s go aside. Sitting, it is estimated that the big demon will come over later."

Tang Ning nodded, and followed him to sit under a shady tree. Because of her bunny beauty, many big monsters were looking at her.

"It's actually a rabbit? Isn't it the wrong place?" A big demon said, and glanced at the envious rabbit contemptuously.

"In my opinion, it is attached to the big demon next to it? Or a vegetarian rabbit dare to come here?" A female demon stared at the rabbit with jealousy in her eyes.

As a banshee, the rabbit is so beautiful, it really made her want to peel off her layer of rabbit skin.

One of the male fox demon stood up, and his enchanting eyes fell on the rabbit. He stepped forward, came to the rabbit and smiled: "Miss Rabbit, are you here to participate in the selection?"

Tangning looked at her and saw the male vixen in front of him looking at her with enchanting purple lights. She hasn't finished yet! The Scarlet Demon Lord beside him stretched out his hand to block her sight, and sneered at the same time.

"Fox, do you want these eyes anymore?"

Hearing this, the male fox demon couldn't help but glanced at the Scarlet Demon Lord, stepped back, and smiled at the same time: "I just came over to say hello to Miss Rabbit. Are you jealous of the big demon?"

"Get off." The Scarlet Demon Lord said in a calm voice, staring at him threateningly.

"Where are you going? This place is the gathering place of the big demon. We have responded to the call of the demon empress." The other big demon stood up and walked towards this side, his scornful gaze fell on the red demon. The Lord and the rabbit: "Take this as your den? Can you see the place clearly!"

The Scarlet Demon Lord also stood up, moved his hands and feet, and said, "See what you mean, do you want to compete with me?"

"Come on! Who's afraid that you won't make it?" The big demon rubbed his arm without fear, ready to do it.

Upon seeing this, Tang Ning just said, "Red Demon Lord, go ahead and hit a little bit." As he spoke, he ate the fruit from the space.

"Okay." The Scarlet Demon Lord responded, and said to the big demon in front: "Go, go over a little."

"I'm going to fight here, what's the matter?" The big demon said, grunting heavily, and hit the Crimson Demon Lord with his fist.

The Crimson Demon Lord sneered when he saw it, and when he rushed forward and raised his fist to block his fist, he clenched his other hand into a fist and hit his abdomen. The demon power burst out, and he directly flew the big demon ten times. A few meters away, it fell to the ground.



When a mouthful of demon blood spurted out, the great demon also fell to the ground and failed to stand up after a while. This scene made the eyes of the great demon watching around change involuntarily, and they all looked at the Scarlet Demon Lord. .

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