Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1668: What a fairy

"Sister, I accidentally fell into the quagmire, can you bother and let me take a bath?" Tangning asked with a smile.

The woman slowed down, nodded and said: "Well, you come in!" Then she motioned for her to follow in.

"Sister, I'm all covered in mud, I'm afraid it will stain your house if I go in this way." The mud on my body is dripping with water!

The woman laughed after hearing this: "It's okay. Just clean up if it gets dirty. Come in!" She smiled and walked in, let Tangning follow in, and said, "I have water in my backyard. I'll bring it to you."

Tangning then followed in. Seeing that the woman's house was only a mother and her son, and the house was neatly cleaned up, she went into a small room and washed it twice in it before she washed her body completely.

He changed into clean clothes and dried his hair with spiritual energy. After seeing that there was no problem, he walked out of the room.

The woman was helping the child to wipe her hair, and she was startled when she saw the door opened and a woman came out. I saw the woman dressed in aquamarine dress, with a round bamboo and a gourd tied around her waist, her ink hair was simply tied up, and the rest was naturally hanging down and scattered behind her. It was simple but with a sense of immortality. Qi, especially that stunning face, is really called a fairy.

Based on this immortal spirit and this outstanding face, the woman knew that the woman in front of her was afraid that her identity was not simple, so she smiled and said: "I didn't expect my family to be able to receive a person like a fairy. It is really our blessing."

Tangning laughed after hearing this: "The eldest sister is serious, and I would like to thank the eldest sister for boiling water for me, thank you." She bowed to the woman.

"Fairy, don't betray us." The woman hurriedly turned sideways, not daring to accept her salute, and said: "Fairy, I made some food, if you don't dislike it, it's better to use a little!"

She was a polite invitation. She felt that with this fairy's outstanding appearance and manner, she was afraid that she would not look down on the food in their village, but unexpectedly...

"Okay! Then I'm not welcome." Tangning's eyebrows curled up, her eyes widened with a smile.

The woman was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "The fairy, please come with me and sit in front." The woman was a little dizzy. How did she find that this fairy was different from those she had heard of?

After the child saw Tang Ning who was in a refreshing, clean and celestial spirit, he quietly followed his mother, blinking and curiously looked at this person who was as beautiful as a fairy.

In their village, the village chief is also a fairy cultivator, but there is no such good-looking person in their village. Maybe she is not a human, and his mother calls her a fairy.

Seeing the fairy follow her mother to the front, the little boy ran out of the house to find his friends.

"There is a fairy in my house, who looks beautiful!" the little boy said braggingly.

"What fairy? You are daydreaming!" A larger boy rolled his eyes, obviously not looking at his words.

"Hahaha, I know I know, I just saw you go home in mud, and there was one behind you who also fell into the mud. Wouldn't you mean that it was a fairy?" Another child is fat and fat. The child laughed and said.

Seeing that the little friends didn’t believe me, the little boy became anxious: "Really! I didn’t lie to you. There really is a fairy in my house. It’s really good. My mother calls her a fairy. If you don’t believe me, follow me to see it. !"

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