Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1672: Who is

Seeing the blue figure heading towards the lotus pond, Ouyang Mingyue also followed her, and the few people behind saw it and quickly followed.

"Is the fairy planning to use lotus and lotus heart to heal them?" Ouyang Mingyue asked.

Tangning glanced at him and said, "Don't follow me."

Ouyang Mingyue was startled, her steps couldn't help but stopped. When she watched the figure move forward, she was about to follow it, and heard the voices of the people behind.

"Ouyang, why are you calling the fairy? The woman is dressed elegantly, and she doesn't even have a servant by her side. Maybe she's just a casual cultivator." The man behind said, looking at the green figure, and laughed: "But Not to mention, I haven't seen such a beautiful woman in the city, and I don't know where this woman comes from?"

"What? I'm not right?" The man looked at Ouyang Mingyue in surprise, his eyes seemed to be displeased, and he was even more surprised. He didn't do anything to provoke him. What's wrong?

"This person is entwined with immortality, and he is definitely not an ordinary person. If you don't want to get into any trouble, you'd better manage your mouth." Ouyang Mingyue glanced at them, and walked forward.

A girl behind heard this, but said unconvinced: "Where is the fairy qi entangled? Couldn't it be that she said that when she saw that the woman was born beautifully?"

"Okay, since Ouyang said that, it must make sense. Take care of yourself and don't get into any trouble." Another man said, and followed.

Tangning glanced in front of the lotus pond, swept forward with her toes, and folded a dozen lotus buds waiting to be placed. Then she came back and walked around a few people to Chen Lei's house.

"Fairy, I brought the lotus heart, are these enough?" The woman handed her the things to see.

Tangning looked at and smiled: "Enough, eldest sister, can you put two bowls of water to help me boil these lotus hearts, about not to pour out when there is a bowl of water left, leave me a small glass, and give the others the rest. Send it away and let their family feed the patient to drink it."

"Okay." The woman responded and went to talk.

In the room, Tangning tore off the two outer petals of the lotus, mashed and grinds the tender petals inside, and added a few herbs that clear the heart and detoxify to heat. When the woman brought the lotus seed water from the boiled flowers, He took the water, mixed it into the medicine, and knead it into finger-sized pills.

The people outside were waiting, seeing the passage of time, but did not see the fairy coming out, until, after waiting for a long time, did they see the green figure coming out.

"Fairy." The village head called when she saw her coming out.

"Did the lotus heart water patient drink it?" Tangning asked.

"Drink and drank, I watched them feed it down." The village chief said quickly.

"Well, let them take these two pills! In addition, feed them a cup of lotus seed water every morning and before going to bed. After three days, they will be fine." She handed them the two pills.

"Thank you Fairy, thank you Fairy." The relatives of the two families quickly thanked them and walked back with the pills.

Ouyang Mingyue on the side saw that the two pills were full of spiritual power, and she couldn't help being surprised. They were just simple pills, not even pill, but unexpectedly, they were full of spiritual power.

Uncontrollably, his gaze fell on the woman again, and his heart was more curious, who is this woman?

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