Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1686: Master out of medicine

"Okay." Tangning responded and went to pick up some branches and came back.

Regarding the fact that there were two more people in the ruined temple, the guards did not know, and still guarded their posts, but unexpectedly, they couldn't hear the cry from the ruined temple.

"Strange, why did the cry stop?"

"Yeah! The crying hasn't stopped these days, why has it stopped?"

The guards were talking, someone went up and watched, but did not approach from a distance, but only saw the people in the ruined temple carrying the censer tripod, and then retreated.

"They didn't cry anymore, and didn't howl anymore. Instead, they scrubbed a censer tripod in the ruined temple and carried it outside." A guard said.

Others did not pay attention to it. The people there are waiting to die, and they can do whatever they want.

Tangning went to pick up a lot of branches and came back, and cut a big tree trunk that was dried up. When he saw that it was almost the same, he returned to the ruined temple. Some water was hit in the well and poured into the cauldron.

Not long after, the old man came back. He washed the herbs and put them in the cauldron, lit the fire and started to burn, then took out some other medicine from the space and poured it into it.

Tangning kept watching, seeing that most of the medicines he put in were to clear away heat and toxins to clear the lungs, but she felt that these medicines were not enough to detoxify the heat in these people.

"I think it would be better to add two more medicines," she said.

Hearing this, the old man gave her a hand, looked at her and asked with a smile: "Oh? What kind of taste?

"Lotus heart and ice grass." She looked at the old man and said.

The old man was slightly surprised when he heard it, and said, "Lotus heart is also suitable for their heat-toxin syndrome. As for ice grass, this herb is extremely cold in nature. The dosage is very particular. I can’t bear it, their toxic fever, I think I’ll try my prescription first and let them drink it! If it doesn’t work, try what you said again."

"It's okay, then you can try it!" The medicines that affect him are also somewhat effective. Even if the effect does not reach a radical cure, it can alleviate the symptoms of these people.

After adding the medicine, the old man was disturbed, then looked at Tangning and asked, "Girl, where did you learn the art of medicine? Where did the teacher go?"

Tangning listened and narrowed his eyes with a smile, and said, "Medicine Gate."

"Yaomen? Never heard of it! Where is that?" The old man thought for a while but never thought of a school called Yaomen.

"In Yunlai Mountain." Tangning squatted down, adding a few branches to the bottom of the tripod and burning it.

The old man listened and smiled and said, "I will definitely go and see if I have a chance in the future." Yaomen, Yunlaishan, he took notes.

"Those corpses are not good enough to be buried there, they have to be burned, or they will be contagious." Tangning said.

"Then let them burn it." For the old man, burning the corpse is just a matter of lip-synching. He immediately called someone and said to them: "Go and burn the corpses, clean them up, and There is poisonous heat on the corpse, and the smoke after burning will also have poisonous gas. You all stand upwind."

"Okay, let's go now." Those people who were still better energetic said, and went to deal with the dead bodies together.

"Why so much smoke? What are you burning?" When the guards saw smoke rising from the ruined temple, someone said, "I'll go and see."

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