Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1693: Mercy under the sword

The people around were watching and discussing. In the end, many people felt that the second grandfather of the Sun family had to be planted in the hands of this woman. The guards of the Sun family were worried that the second grandfather of the Sun family was really involved, so someone quickly went back to the Sun family to report.

Here, the second master Sun knew that this woman did have the power of Fei Xian, but he felt that even if she had the power of Fei Xian, she would not be his opponent. In order to shock the power of his Sun family, he recruited sharply. Killing every step, it is about to kill her!

Tangning never kept his hands to anyone who wanted to kill her. Seeing that as he drank, a sharp sword in his hand shot a breathtaking air current towards her, and the flying fairy air current from her also surged outwards. On top of the sharp sword condensed in her hand, a powerful air current defense was formed. When that air current hits, it collides with the air current on her sword.

The two air currents that were visible to the naked eye collided inconsistently, but when Tangning raised the sword in his hand, the two air currents also rose up with her sword and condensed on her sharp sword.

Seeing this scene, Sun Erye's eyes widened in shock, and he said in disbelief: "No, it's impossible!" As soon as his words fell, he heard the voice of the woman in Tsing Yi with a murderous intent. .

"Nothing is impossible!"

As soon as Tangning's words fell, the sharp sword in his hand drove the two powerful air currents towards the second grandpa, and the second grandpa deliberately wanted to avoid him, but he couldn't get out because of the force he struck. People stood there stiffly as if being controlled, watching the sword slash down.

"Keep people under the sword!"

The sword that Tangning slashed with a sharp exclamation came from a distance, but her hand holding the sword did not stop, there was not even a momentary pause, she was still merciless. Hacked down.



When the shrill screams sounded, there was a loud bang after the sound of two air currents crashing into the ground. At that moment, the people who retreated to the distance to watch saw the powerful air current carrying killing intent. A huge sword was formed and the cold light flashed into their eyes, making them involuntarily do not open their eyes.

When that sword fell, Tangning's eyes flickered, because she felt that the sword in her hand seemed to have cut some defense. This sword that could have taken his life, but after it fell, gave her a kind of failure The feeling that the other party killed.

The long sword fell, and I don’t know why that Sun Erye’s strength cultivation formed a qi to protect him, even his airflow that was controlled and shot down by her also finally drew off the power of the attack, a ray of light on his body It shot and opened, and there was a faint cracking sound.

Unexpected blood splashed out of the miserable appearance of his body being split in half, but some of his strength cultivation base fell sharply under this blow. When the qi burst on his body, he was also hit. Fly, fell heavily to the ground.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and his whole person went from middle age to old age in an instant, and his hair became gray and old. He was severely injured by that blow. Coupled with the strength of the fall, he could no longer stand after he fell to the ground. stand up.


The Patriarch of the Sun family finally rushed over, but after all, he was a step slower. He watched the badly injured brother who had regressed in strength, and quickly poured out the medicine for him.

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