Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1703: Was found

In addition to the person who burned the fire, there were also a few guards around him. Because this is a medicine that can cure heat poison, everyone is very cautious, and because this pot of medicine is very large, it takes a long time to boil. I was eating refreshments, and sitting a bit boring.

Smelling the medicine's scent getting stronger and the heat dissipating in the air, Tangning stepped forward and picked up a long spoon and stirred it. Seeing it was almost done, she added brown sugar and another medicine and continued stirring until the brown sugar melted. The other medicine also disperses.

"It's okay, it's okay, you go find two smaller pots, first put two pots and send them outside the city lord's mansion to share with them, as for keeping the flame here to warm the medicine." Tangning said. Let the fire-burner keep the flame and warm the medicine.

The city lord walked over and said with a smile: "Master, you have worked hard. Master has kept a few hours, so let's take a rest first! Let us here."

Seeing that they took over, Tang Ning replied, "That's okay, just leave it to City Master Song."

"Girl, are you hungry? Do you want to eat first?" The old man looked at Tangning and asked.

"I am not hungry after having tea." Tangning said.

"Then go have a bowl of soup, go, I'll accompany you." The old man said, leaving with her.

It was also because of the departure of the two that the Lord Song who watched them leave did not see that when the medicine in the big medicine furnace was scooped into the small pot, the person who took the medicine quietly put something into the medicine...

Outside the city lord’s mansion, the line of people formed a long dragon, all craned their necks and looked at when the door of the city lord’s mansion opened, and among the crowd, the Lin family old nine also followed to join in the fun, looking left and right, unexpectedly Some people who have gotten fever are not afraid.

"I heard that it was the medicine made by the fairy master of Wuyou Valley for us."

"It's great, the medicine made by the fairy master of Wuyou Valley, you can't drink it casually. We drink the medicine and the disease will definitely get better."

"Those people in the ruined temple drank the medicine prepared by the Immortal Master Wuyougu, and the heat poison has gone away, and we are naturally able to get better."

"Yes, it will definitely get better."

Everyone was talking, with expectations and hopes in their hearts. When they saw the gate of the City Lord's Mansion open, they couldn't hide their excitement and shouted: "Open, open, the gate of the City Lord's Mansion is open!"

"Everyone line up, come one by one, there are all." After the person who came out carrying the medicine pot put the medicine down, he said in a loud voice: "One person and one bowl can remove the heat from the body, all come one by one. ."

The people in the line walked forward one by one, filled their own bowls with the medicinal soup, and cautiously carried them aside to drink.

The Nine Masters of Lin’s family lined up behind him. When it was his turn, he also had a bowl. He didn’t plan to drink it. Instead, he planned to take this bowl of medicine back and study it. In addition to some medicines he already knew, he also Used medicine?

Unexpectedly, due to the large number of people in the line, he was squeezed a bit, and the hand holding the medicinal soup trembled. Some medicinal soup spilled out and splashed on his hands and clothes.

"Don't squeeze! Slow down, it must be a lot of simmering inside, you can drink it." said the Lin Family Jiuye, carrying the medicine to a place with fewer people, however, when the sun above his head fell on When he was on his body, he actually found a light flashing on his hands and on his robe.

"Huh? What's that?" The Lin family was surprised, staring at the thing that was shining in the sun in his hand.

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