Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 805: Vocal cord weeping

Tangning packed up his mood and greeted him with a smile, "If Daddy doesn't come again, I want to steal it."

"Hahahahaha!" Tang Xiao laughed loudly, and said: "At home, if you are hungry, eat first, and there is nothing to do, come and sit." He took her to the table and sat down.

Qingzhi held the wine forward, poured a small pot out, poured a glass for each of them, and stood aside.

Tangning chatted with him while eating, thinking about what he would like to tell him for a while, so he said, "Daddy, don't drink too much wine, eat more vegetables."

"Okay, come on, you eat too." He helped her pick some up and said, "Did you not eat well outside? Why do you feel thinner every time you come back?"

Hearing this, Tangning smiled and said, "It's not that I'm thinner, it's because I have grown taller. Don't you think I'm a lot taller than I am older?"

"You should grow taller. After all, you are still growing your body." Tang Xiao said, and asked after taking a bite of the food, "Ning'er, how long can you stay at home this time? Look at you, time outside. It’s more than at home, and Daddy won’t see you several times a year."

"I have nothing to be busy these days, so I will be at home during this time." Tangning said, glanced at the Qingzhi next to him, and said, "Go and guard outside the courtyard. Don't let people come close."

Qingzhi was startled for a moment, and said, "Yes."

Tang Xiao saw that she knew she had something to say, and asked, "But what's the matter?"

Tangning raised a hand and placed a soundproof barrier between her hands. When her spiritual power was released, Tang Xiao, who was sitting next to her, felt the aura from her body. She was startled and somewhat shocked: "Ning'er, you, you have entered. Has the stage been built?"

"I'm already at the pinnacle of base building strength." Tangning said, looking at him and said, "It's been a few months to advance, but what I want to tell Daddy today is not that."

Hearing her words, Tang Xiao was shocked, and said, "It's incredible. The speed of your advancement is so fast!" Although shocked in his heart, he soon gathered his mind and asked, "Then what you want to say. What's the matter? You say, Daddy listen."

Downing paused, thinking how to speak.

Seeing her like this, Tang Xiao's face was slightly condensed, thinking that the matter might be more serious, and he said: "You said, if you have something to say, don't worry, everything has a father!"

A warm current ran across Tangning's heart. She raised her eyes to look at him, and took a deep breath. Then she said, "Daddy, do you know that Tangning is dead?"


Tang Xiao was startled, his hand trembled, the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground and broke, and the drink spilled all over the floor. He stood up instinctively, "You, what did you say?"

"Let her do it!" Tangning said, flicking his sleeves, a light smoke appeared on one side, and the next moment, a ghost in a white dress appeared in the courtyard.


The original owner looked at his father who was in front of him, and his grief came from his heart, but no tears fell. She was already a ghost, and her tears no longer existed.

"Ning, Ning'er! This, no! This is impossible!"

Tang Xiao's whole body shook, and only felt that he was about to fall down when it was dark. Tangning hurried forward to help him sit down when he saw it. However, the original owner wanted to come forward to help, but the extended hand passed through his body. Can't touch him.


The original owner called, crying in his vocal cords, looking at the father in front of him, there was nothing to say.

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