Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 820: Stop here

Tangning stood up, looked into his eyes and said, "In fact, I told you a long time ago that I am no longer the Tangning I was back then. After all, there is no relationship between you and me."

She walked out, and stopped after two steps: "The time you blocked a sword for me and sucked out the poison from my body, I will remember this kindness. If Tangning owes you to me in the future, I am obliged to help if there is anything I can help."

She opened the door and walked out. When she went outside, she stopped and looked at Su Yanqing who was not far away. Then she retracted her gaze, stepped downstairs, and got on the carriage to Tang's house.

Su Yanqing was stunned, and when he saw the water-blue figure, he almost called out Master Tang, but seeing that the other party was a woman with long hair to the waist, she was able to bear it, thinking that she should be Tang Family University. Miss Downing is here.

Miss Tang Family is here, and the people in the wing can almost guess without thinking.

He stepped forward, went outside the open door, and looked inside. He saw Nangong Lingyun sitting there with his back on his back, with blood oozing with his hand on the side. He frowned and walked in.

"Ling Yun."

Seeing his hand holding the broken teacup and the blood still flowing, he sighed silently, sat down beside him, and said, "You have to bandage your hand."

Nangong Lingyun stood up and held his hands behind him: "No." As he said, he walked out with a calm face, and didn't even ask why he was here. At this time, there was something in his mind. It was just the words Tangning said to him.

On the way back in the carriage, the original owner’s low voice came from the hanging ornament on his waist: "You are so cruel to Brother Lingyun, why don't you let me come out? I can tell him clearly."

Tangning leaned on the carriage and closed her eyes to rest. When she heard the words coming from her waist, she didn't even open her eyes. She spoke through her divine sense: "Nangong Lingyun is not a father, so things like Yihun rebirth don't Not everyone can tell him, even if this person is Nangong Lingyun, besides, don't you mean you dare not see him?"

The original owner fell silent, quietly, without speaking, for a long time, she asked: "Will he give up?"

Tang Ning opened her eyes and twisted her brows slightly, and said, "Einangong Lingyun's character, although he has made it clear today, he may not give up his mind. His obsession is not lighter than yours."

"Then what to do?" the original owner asked with some worry.

Tangning paused and said, "Let's take a look first!" She didn't know what he would do next?

"That..." As soon as the original owner's voice came out, she was cut off by Tangning's spiritual sense.

"Don't talk!" She looked terrified, and felt a divine sense spying on her. She suppressed the instinctive aura in her body that she wanted to attack, and sat as if she didn't notice it until the carriage stopped.

"Miss, I'm home," the coachman said, stopping the carriage and waiting.

"Yeah." She replied, got up and walked out, her eyes looked like she accidentally looked around, but she didn't notice it. In order not to be known to those in the dark that she had discovered the peeping consciousness, she After getting off the carriage, he walked to the mansion.

After she walked to Tang's house, in the dark, Venerable Chengyang walked out with his hands in his hands, staring thoughtfully at her leaving figure, his eyes moved up, and his eyes fell on the two Tang's houses. Big print.

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