Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 823: What happened

Seeing his master's sharp gaze toward him, Nangong Lingyun lowered his eyes and suppressed the shock in his heart, responding: "Yes, the disciple will withdraw first, don't disturb Master." He said, he did. After a salute, he walked out.

After leaving the yard, he went back to his yard, the more he thought about it, the more things went wrong. From the data point of view, Ning'er has changed a lot, even he can see it, it is impossible for his master to fail to see it.

Although he doesn't know what happened in this? He didn't know why this happened, but he absolutely believed that the demon star could not be Ning'er!

But his master has always asserted that the demon star is in Qingyun City, and he was killed by the order of Sect Master Ziyang. If the master thinks that Ning'er is a demon star, then she will definitely be punishable by him. If he wants to kill Ning'er, if he wants to kill Ning'er, no one can stop him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't stay in the room anymore, and now strode out. He wants to marry her as his wife, but he wants her to live! Live safely!

"Ling Yun? Where are you going after it's dark?" Patriarch Nangong called him when he saw his expression hurrying away.

"Father." Nangong Lingyun stopped, called out, and said, "I'll go out."

"What's wrong with your hand?" Patriarch Nangong's gaze fell on his bandaged hand, his brows were slightly twisted, why did he hurt his hand so well?

"It's okay, I accidentally stroked it."

He said, looked at his father, and said, "Father, I have something to do. If there is nothing, then I will go out first." He said, without waiting for him to answer, he walked out quickly.

When Nangong Patriarch saw this, he shook his head, and said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, "Except for the girl from the Tang family in Qingyun City, probably no one can make you so anxious, right? I don't know where the girl is. OK?" He said as he walked to the backyard.

At the Tang family's side, Tangning also heard voices coming from outside in the courtyard, like the voice of Nangong Lingyun.

"It's Brother Lingyun!"

The original owner's joyful voice spread into her spiritual sense, and she stretched out her hand and pressed it down: "Don't say anything, I'll go and see." Then, she walked out.

"Don't stop me, I'm really in a hurry to find Ning'er!" Nangong Lingyun looked at the guards in front of him with a look of anxiety.

"Young Master Nangong, please wait. It's already night. After we report to the eldest lady, if the eldest lady wants to see you, we will let you in again." said a guard, winking at the maid on the side. .

"You all get out!" Tangning walked out and signaled the guards to get out. She looked at Nangong Lingyun and said, "Since you are here, let's sit in the courtyard!"

The guard retreated because of her coming out, while Nangong Lingyun strode to follow her towards the courtyard. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he pressed his lips when he saw the magnolia tree in the corner, and then looked towards the stone She sat down at the table.

"Ning'er, pack up and follow me!"

Tangning, who was pouring tea, heard this, paused her hand slightly, raised her eyes and looked at him, "Go? Where?"

"It's okay to go anywhere, anyway, stay away from here!" He strode forward and came to her, with a hint of pleading in his voice: "Let's find a place where no one knows to live, OK?"

Looking at him like this, Tangning's expression was slightly condensed, and she asked, "What happened?"

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