Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 827: Everyone is surprised

"I also think that Miss Tang Family can't possibly be a demon star, there must be some misunderstanding in this." Song Yixiu also said, thinking of the Miss Tang Family who impressed him, his eyes flashed slightly.

Such a calm and calm person, such a generous and elegant person, whose body is as clean as a green bamboo after a rain, how could such a person be a so-called demon star?

"I haven’t seen it, but I’ve been told by you that I really want to meet this Miss Tang family, and see what this first beauty in Qingyun City can fascinate Nangong Lingyun and make you full of praise. A stunning one?" Situ Nansheng chuckled lightly, stood up in a fluffy robe, and said: "Walk around, don't drink, there will be fun tonight, let's go and see the fun, maybe we can still see The Tang family eldest in your mouth."

"Well, if I could meet Master Tang again, it would be great." Situ Yu said expectantly. Rather than going to watch the excitement, he actually wanted to sneak into the Tang house secretly to see if Master Tang was real. inside?

"Go, let's go and see the excitement together, so that Venerable Chengyang can make such a battle. I also want to believe that tonight will be very lively. Maybe we can still see Master Tang!" Ye Feibai also stood. She got up and fanned gently with the fan in her hand.

Han Zhi and Xing Tong stood up silently, they had long wanted to go.

Seeing that they all said they wanted to go, the other students responded with a smile, and a group of about thirty people left the courtyard and walked in the direction of the Tang family.

On the way, Situ asked with a smile: "Hanzhi, you said that if so many people's congresses visit at night, will the door of the Tang family be opened?"

Han Zhi glanced at him and did not speak.

"I need to ask? It certainly won't!"

Yin Qianze laughed and said, "With so many people, it's another big night, how could the Tang family let us in, so we can just find a place closer and take a look."

"Huh? Look, there are quite a few people who come out to watch the excitement, not just us."

Gao Chen motioned them to look ahead. Most of them were people with a cultivation base. They seemed to belong to the family in this city, but they all went in the direction of the Tang family. Those people walked back. While they were talking, he looked up along their gaze, and when he saw the person in the night, he couldn't help but startled slightly.

"Look, it's Venerable Chengyang!"

Venerable Chengyang stood in the air with his hands in the air, his robe flying in the night breeze, his feet were in the void, his body was steady as on the ground, and the breath of a strong Yuan Ying was released, covering the place where the Tang family was located. among them.

Not far away, the chubby dean in a white robe was standing on a roof, seeming to be persuading Venerable Chengyang something. In a faint, one could still hear their voices coming from the night breeze.

"The alien star on the starry sky has been hovering around since it appeared, and now it falls on the head of the Tang family. Tang Ning, the eldest of the Tang family, must be a demon star! She can raise a ghost in captivity, a head like ink. Long hair, but no vitality, such a demon, it must be a demon star!"

Venerable Cheng Yang's deep and sharp voice came out with the breath of the strong Yuan Ying, and it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears, and it also made everyone who heard the words fall into silence and silence.

Miss Tang's captive ghost? A long hair has no vitality?

The dazzling star in the sky really fell in the direction of the Tang family. Could it be that Tang Ning, Miss Tang family, is really a demon star?

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