Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 851: Fled

"Then I hold it."

When she was speaking, she stretched out her hand on his thigh, and felt that his whole body was stiff, and she didn't even dare to turn her head around. The sound of her heartbeat was like a drum even without her being close.

Seeing that the roots of his ears were getting red and red, and even spreading from his neck to his face, she couldn't help but laugh, and patted his thigh with her hand.


"Hahahahahaha! Do you want to laugh at me? You can hold your thigh like this? Ouch, hahahahahaha..."

Mo Ye stood up almost instinctively because of her unprepared shot, and saw her laughing loudly, and the laughter spread from the room to the outside, perhaps because of the laughter too loudly, and it was disturbed. The wound on the chest only heard her scream, trying to stop laughing, but she couldn't stop it.

Mo Ye realized with hindsight that he seemed to have been tricked, and the hug of her thigh in her mouth might not mean what he thought.


Tang Xiao's voice came from outside. It was obvious that she had also heard that she was awake. He came to see her, but as soon as he entered the hospital, he heard the laughter from inside. He was puzzled and strode in.

Seeing that apart from his daughter, there was only the Night King standing by the bed. He went up and down, and bowed his hands to the Night King and bowed his hands: "See the Night King, Night King, why are you here?"

Mo Ye wanted to talk to Tang Ning, but Tang Xiao arrived. He coughed lightly and said, "I'll come over and talk to her about something."

"Father, daddy."

Tangning finally stopped the smile, but the smile in the eyes on her face was naturally revealed. After calling out, she looked at Mo Ye who was slightly embarrassed and couldn't help but bend again. eye.

"I heard you smiling outside, what is so funny?" Tang Xiao asked, looking at the night between the night king and his daughter, it seemed a little strange.

"It's okay, I just heard him tell a joke." Tangning said with a smile.

"Let me see the dean first! Come here later, you guys talk." Mo Ye said, nodding at them, and then strode out.

Looking at Mo Ye who was fleeing, Tangning smiled and shouted, "Say hello to the dean for me."

Tang Xiao sat down next to him and said, "Ning'er, how is the injury? How do you feel about the whole person today? Do you need to see the doctor again?"

"No need for Daddy, the wound is not deep, nor does it hurt to the point. You can recover after two days of recuperation." She smiled and asked: "Daddy will have to deal with it both inside and outside these two days. busy?"

"Fortunately, I have confessed to the people in the clan to help me deal with it, and there is no major issue, but in the past few days, many people have sent tonics or something, saying that they are for you to replenish your body." Tang Xiao said, I told her about things in the house.

"Yeah." Tangning replied and looked at him and said, "Daddy, after two days, I will be well. Let's send Xiao Ning into reincarnation!"

"it is good."

Tang Xiao nodded: "Now you can heal your wounds first, and send Xiao Ning into reincarnation when you are wounded!" This time, he actually knew that part of the reason was because of his daughter's soul, if not because When Venerable Chengyang saw that there was a ghost in Ning'er, he might not have caused these things.

After so long, it's time to send her into reincarnation. Only in this way can they each have their own new life, new destiny and future...

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