Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 856: No man's land

She stood in front of the cliff and watched the scene of the water that day separated the front to form two pieces of heaven and earth. The front of the cliff was filled with clouds and mist. She only listened to the flow of water above the mountains without rushing down, and the place where the water was isolated was about tens of meters. Wide, below the cliff is an abyss without sight.

I saw the sound of water, but no splashes, and the dense fog was so thick that I couldn't see the other side clearly. As she walked forward, what caught her eyes was a standing boulder with a few words carved with sword energy.

Mortals stopped.

"This is the end of the mortal realm. It seems that there is an enchantment." She whispered softly, looking at the scene ahead, picked up a stone and bounced forward, and saw that the stone seemed to hit something when it struck forward. Generally fall on the ground.

Seeing the faintly emerging barrier, she moved her heart and released the pressure of foundation building. Then she stepped forward. When the pressure of foundation building was released, she felt the knot when she walked forward. The world automatically opened a hole.

And after she walked into the enchantment, the clouds in front also dispersed, and what appeared was a vine connected there. After taking a look, she leaped slightly on her toes and stepped forward on the vine.

After following the vines all the way, the place where he settled was also a cliff high mountain. However, standing on the high mountain and looking forward, it was an endless sea.

From this high place, you can finally see that the sound of water flying down the cliff turned out to be pouring into the sea.

"It's no wonder that you can't go to the land of immortals without building a foundation. That's how it is." She said softly. At this moment, she finally understood why to go to the land of immortals, the minimum requirement is to be able to build a foundation.

Because the foundation can be used to protect the sword, and to fly over this sea area, the sword must be used to pass.

There was no one in this area, but there were a lot of crabs on the beach, and it was still early when she saw them. She stared at the crabs and smiled. She planned to rest here, eat another seafood, and then leave.

"There are all seasonings for the pots and bowls, and you can have a meal if you find some branches and set the lights on." She smiled and called out, "Xiao Hei."

With a flash of light, Xiao Hei came out of the space, flapping his wings and falling on her shoulder.

"Why don't you go pick up the branches! I'll catch the crabs. Let's have a good meal?" Tangning suggested, looking slightly at Xiao Hei on his shoulder.

"Just eat this? What's so delicious about the shell?" Xiao Hei curled his head and said, "I won't eat this, I want to eat fish and shrimp."

"Okay, I'll catch you in a while." Tangning said readily.

"Okay, then I'll go pick up the branches." Then it flapped its wings and flew towards the backing place.

After seeing Xiao Hei picking up branches, Tangning took out a bucket from the space, picked up the crabs crawling on the beach and put them in the bucket, picking up and picking up, actually picked up a half bucket.

Knowing that Xiao Hei was going to eat fish and shrimp, she stepped out on the surface of the water and came to a deeper place. A palm wind shot down, and while splashing with a bang, some fish and shrimp flew up.

Her figure swept across the water, and the palm of the wind slapped her, and the fish and shrimp went to the shore, waiting to be caught enough. Seeing that Xiao Hei also picked up a bunch of branches and came back, she found a place to set fire to prepare to eat seafood.

After eating a full meal by the sea, one person and one bird, she lay down and rested. Tangning looked at the sky and squinted comfortably.

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