Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 862: Don't be afraid

Tangning walked around and saw something swiftly drilling in the bushes, so she took out a net from the space, cast the net in her hand at the right time, and wrapped it around the chicken.


The silver net covered the chicken, and quickly became a ball because of its rampage. Tangning rushed forward, hugged it, and laughed: "Hahaha! Caught it! So fat! A ling rooster!"

"Dumb! I'm going to pick up the branches!" Xiao Hei immediately cried, seeing that the chicken was caught, and thinking about picking up the branches, he quickly roasted the fat chicken.

"Find a source of water first, and find a suitable place to light a fire before roasting." Tangning wrapped the silver net and dragged the chicken that weighed more than ten or twenty catties to find the source of water.

Tangning found a spring in the forest. After boiling the water, she proceeded to treat the spirit chicken, plucking out all its hair, and finally made a pot of chicken blood soup with chicken feet or something. The ones are baked.

One person and one bird ate a pot of soup and the roasted chicken, resting against the big tree with a mouthful of oil, with a look of contentment on his face.

"This is the first time I ate this kind of chicken. It's really delicious. I look back to see if there is any more and grab another one." Tangning squinted her eyes comfortably as she touched her chubby belly.

"Tang Tang, what do you pick up those feathers for? In addition to looking good, they don't seem to be of any use." Xiao Hei looked at the feathers she put aside, all of which were pulled from the spirit chicken.

"This feather looks pretty, and it doesn't look like a normal feather. It might be useful to keep it." She sat cross-legged, and when she was full, she added a few beads to the three most beautiful feathers of the chicken tail. Make it into an ornament.

"Look, it looks pretty." She tied the feather pendant to the green bamboo around her waist, and saw the inconspicuous green bamboo that was originally inconspicuous.


One person and one bird were chatting, and they heard a faint voice calling for help in the forest. Tangning swept away his consciousness, locked the position, and stood up and said, "Go and see."

"call out!"




"Why is it the sound of a snake?" Xiao Hei listened to that voice and said to Tang Ning with divine sense: "Moreover, I heard more than one voice, it seems to be chasing people!"

Tangning jumped straight up the tree and swept among the branches. When she came to the place where she was calling for help, she saw that there was not one person in front of him, but a group of people. One of the girls screamed and ran around, running a little far away from the group of people, but there were still a dozen snakes chasing behind him.

"Ah...don't chase me, don't bite me,"

The girl ran with her head in her arms, and she didn’t know where she threw the saber. She ran into a big tree in a panic, and she fell to the ground as she saw the dozen snakes spitting out. When Snake Xinzi came towards her, she turned pale with fright, and her limbs were so weak that she could not escape.

"No... don't come over... oh... daddy, mother... I'm afraid..."

"Don't be afraid! There is wild Cassia on your left. The snake is most afraid of that smell, so I dare not approach you." A soft little milk sound came at this time, and the girl was stunned and looked up in confusion. , I saw on the branch, a five-year-old monk was looking at her with a smile.

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