Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 878: Little people

"Hmm, I know, I know!"

Tangning ate the food and responded vaguely. Is she the kind of person who would look for help if she couldn't solve it? If she can't solve it, she will find a way to solve it. She doesn't believe there are things she can't solve.

Mo Ye ate dinner with him, and confessed some things to her uneasy. The main thing was to tell her that the power of the cultivators in the land of immortals was intricate. Let her try not to do it, or it is better not to do it with others.

Tangning was patient. He kept talking there, and she nodded her head obediently, until after sending him away, she went back to the room to lie down and rest.

In the early morning of the next day, Tangning who got up early was like a bird flying in a cage, shouting cheerfully: "Hanzhi Xingtong, go, let's go shopping!"

"Master Tang, Master Tang, take me! I'll go with you too." Heifeng trot to her side, looked at the little girl, grinning: "Master Tang, my master is coming. Tell me when I leave, let me stay by your side and also protect you."

At the beginning, I knew that Master Tang was a female, but it didn’t take long for her master to bring her to the fairyland. There was no time to talk to Master Tang, but let’s not say that when she was fourteen or five years old, they didn’t notice. She is a female, even if she is now a five-year-old child, she is completely invisible.

Although he is small and tender and lovely, he is anxious for his master! If Master Tang couldn't make the antidote, wouldn't he have to grow up slowly to grow up? Can his master wait?

Seeing that the daughter-in-law who grew up suddenly became a daughter-in-law, you don't need to ask to know the sadness of his master.

"You protect me?" Tangning glanced at him, and couldn't help laughing: "Your strength is below me, how can you protect me? Forget it, since you want to go out, go together!"

"Thanks to Master Tang!" Hei Feng grinned and shouted to the outside: "An Yi, then you stay at home and I will accompany Master Tang out."

A few people went out of the yard together and headed down the street. Tangning took them to stroll around the street first. Maybe they came out earlier, but there were not many stalls. They first ate bowls of noodles at a small stall. Then go to the medicine store.

"Master Tang, this is a medicine store and the largest elixir store in Huan Yue City. There are all kinds of elixir in it. Besides the elixir, they also sell finished products." Hei Feng introduced on the side. Because he and Anyi had to be familiar with various places in the city, he and Anyi had been reading the information these days and had been out of the street several times, so they knew better than Han.

"Go in and take a look." Tangning said, stepping in.

Because she’s getting smaller and wearing the loose gown that she used to be too long and easy to trip over, she has been wearing that kind of top and trousers since she became small, a blue top with pants of the same color, waist There was a belt between them, a round bamboo hanging diagonally, and a universe bag, there was nothing else.

The little people look simple and neat, but they are also very cute and cute. Especially for such a small child wearing such clothes, it is even more eccentric, so that pedestrians on the road can't help but look at her a few more times.

The medicine boy in the medicine store greeted a visitor when he saw a visitor, and greeted him with a smile: "Please take a look at some of you in there. If you have a fancy, you can ask the young one to show it to a few to take a closer look." , Yaotong looked at the little man involuntarily.

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