Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 881: Ke Family Second Master

"Second Lord, don't worry about the things in the medicine store. Your subordinates must take care of them well and don't let Second Master bother you." The middle-aged man who followed was half bent over and whispered, his face full of respect. .

And the man in front, who looks like he is in his forties, is dressed in a brocade robe, with one hand behind him, one hand on his belly, playing with two beads in his hand, and one with the aura of a man, walking slowly down At that time, his eyes turned towards Tangning and several people, and after passing by a few people, they fell on Tangning.

"The second master is good."

"The second master is good."

The medicine boys in the medicine shop saluted and called respectfully.

"There are guests here so early today, why is there no one to greet him?" The man in Jinpao paused and saw a medicine boy hurried forward, he brushed his hand, motioned him to retreat, and walked forward. Go, look at the kid and ask with a smile: "My kid, which family are you from? How come you look so tight?"

Looking at this child, he was born cute, with a tender little face and a small bald head. It was fun to look at. I really don't know what his adult thoughts? How did the child shave his head?

"This little head is bare and shaved cleanly." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand behind him, trying to touch the child's bald head, but he avoided it.

"It's impolite to touch other people's heads casually." Tangning said sternly. No matter what, she said with a little milky voice. Looking at her serious appearance, the man in Jinyi was taken aback. , Haha laughed.

"You kid, you are cute."

The Jinyi man's face is full of joy, and he thinks that the juniors in the family don't look as pleasant as this child. Really, the good-looking and well-behaved children are other people's children.

"Are you the owner of this medicine store?"

Tangning asked. Seeing the respectful appearance of those medicine boys, and seeing the middle-aged man who looked like the shopkeeper behind him half-bending, she guessed that this person is most likely the owner here.

"Yes, my surname is Ke, the second in my family, most people in the city call me second master."

The man in Jinyi smiled and said, not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he sat down in a chair beside him, looked at the kid and smiled and asked, "Are you here to buy medicine? What did you fancy? Let the medicine boys get it for you. "

"I want to discuss a business with you."

Tangning said, she also walked to the side of the chair. The chair that could have been easily seated was now waist-high, just when she was thinking she was climbing up and sitting? Or use spiritual power to fly up and sit? Seeing that Xingtong had picked her up and put her on the chair.

Seeing this, she glanced at Xingtong appreciatively. Her star pupil is so sweet!

Xingtong looked at her with a smile and stood quietly beside her.

"Oh? Talk to me about business?" The man in Jinpao raised his brows and looked at the little child playfully: "Just you?"

Tangning didn’t talk nonsense, and directly took out a bottle of medicine, “Since you prescribe medicine, you should know some medicine? There is a drop of spiritual fluid in it. As long as you take it, you can instantly recover from spiritual failure. Peak state."

Hearing this, the man in Jinpao glanced suspiciously at the child next to him, took the medicine bottle and shook it slightly, feeling that something was rolling in it, and opened it again and smelled it. His face suddenly became serious when the pure spiritual energy breath came.

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