Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 885: Downing shot

The man straightened his collar, glanced at the person who was shaken by him, and snorted, "What are you doing? Do you want to corrupt people?"

Heifeng didn't notice it, and was shaken back a few steps. After steadying his body, he strode forward: "Dare you run into someone?"

"Master, your hand is bleeding!" Xingtong looked at Tang Ning who was holding the broken mirror, and saw that her hand was cut with a small saliva because of the broken mirror, and the blood oozes out.

Tang Ning stared at her hand in a daze at this time. There was a cut in her hand. When the blood inadvertently dripped on the mirror, something came out of her mind.

She constricted her eyes and covered up a dark light passing through her eyes. From the eyes of others, she looked like she was frightened, staring only at her bleeding hand.

Xingtong held her hand to check, and said, "Fortunately, there is no thorn in it. I will just sprinkle some medicine and bandage it."

Behind, Black Wind saw that Master Tang's hand was cut and bleeding, and he punched the man in the face with one punch: "I told you to bump into someone and don't apologize!"

"Dare to do it with me! You are looking for death!" The monk was not good-tempered, he also attacked the black wind directly.

"Heifeng, forget it, don't fight." Tangning shouted back, telling him not to fight with that person.

"This person is too bad to be beaten!" Heifeng said, he punched out and was blocked, kicked again, the man groaned and gave back a kick. The two went back and forth without stopping. Come down.

Upon seeing this, Tangning stood up, and saw the monk in the stall shouting: "Hey, you haven't paid for the broken mirror yet!"

"How much?" Tangning asked, looking at the monk.

"Five hundred spirit stones." The monk stretched out his hand and said in an old spirit.

"Don't grab it!" Xingtong yelled, "A broken mirror requires five hundred spirit stones. It's really a lion's mouth!"

The monk snorted and said, "What broken mirror? This is an ancient mirror from my ancestors, but a rare treasure. Now that you have broken it, you have to buy it back, or you have broken my things. Don't want to pay? Want to go to the dungeon in the city? You can think clearly, but you are unreasonable, so as not to lose money and suffer disaster in the end!"

Tang Ning looked over there, Hei Feng fought against the cultivator, but he didn't have the upper hand. The man's cultivation base was higher than him. After a battle, the corners of Hei Feng's eyes were swollen.

Seeing that the man didn't show mercy when he started, he caught Heifeng with both hands and fell to the ground. When he clenched a fist and hit Heifeng's abdomen, there seemed to be something caught between his fingers, and there was a cold light.

Her eyes became cold. She doesn't want to cause trouble, but it doesn't mean that she will really look at the people around her being bullied. This person has made the mistake first, and she does not show mercy. Now she wants to make a secret attack to hurt people's lives.

Just as the cold light flashed in the monk's eyes, and when his fist was about to shoot down, a small figure flashed, and the next moment, the tender voice of the little milk came out with a hint of coldness.

"What is this in your hands?"

The monk's wrist was clasped, and what was clasped on his wrist was a small white hand, which was obviously the hand of a five-year-old child, but he couldn't even move it.

"Boy, let go!"

The monk became angry and waved his other hand towards the child, but he was kicked on the bottom plate, his knee numb, and the whole person knelt down on one knee, and the little hand clasped on his wrist was also heavier. Turning outwards forcefully, only heard a click, and the sound of broken bones came.

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