Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 887: I will kill you

Tang Ning glanced at the monks who came running with the axe, squinted her eyes and smiled unkindly: "What to do? Of course it's a hit!" As soon as the voice fell, the small figure rushed forward, holding the green bamboo on her waist. In his hand, he hit one of the monks with the axe.

"call out!"


The sharp wind blade slashed through, and only a snap, the bamboo shot down on the man's wrist, and the axe held in the monk's hand fell to his own foot.


Originally wanted to avoid it, but he was slapped by the bamboo again. The pain made him gasp. The next moment, the sharp blade of the axe slashed at the back of his instep, causing him to scream in pain. sound.

Heifeng, Xingtong, and Hanzhi behind, seeing Tangning flying up and down, immediately greeted him. Tangning in front of him didn't make any moves, and immediately abolished their cultivation level. After leaving the three of them to the cold behind him, her eyes fell on the monk whose hand was broken by her.

"I just spared you once. Since you want to die, I am not incapable of fulfilling you."

Seeing that the bald-headed child abolished the cultivation base of the few people as soon as he took action. When he listened to what he said, the monk was so scared that his face became pale, and he hid behind: "Big brother, kill him! Kill him!" Kill him!"

Seeing that his brothers were interrupted, the monk who built the foundation cultivation base saw that his brothers had all been interrupted, and he was screaming and falling to the ground. The murderous aura could no longer be covered. Needless to say, he was not going to stay. This kid died! When the spirit power surged, he held the axe and slashed at the little devil.

"Boy, die!"

Tangning snorted softly when he saw the man swinging an axe. The small figure flashed past him, and the round bamboo in his hand had fallen to his back knee.


The hind knee was hit, and his steps staggered. Because he has the strength to build a foundation, he can stand firmly under that blow. Without embarrassment, he knelt down. He held the axe and waved back, and there was a blast of air. The sound struck out, and he hacked away behind him, but he heard a click, as if being blocked by something, and quickly turned around to see that the only thing blocking the axe was a round bamboo.

"Lao Tzu killed you!" He screamed and struck out with the coercive force, and slashed at the kid with the blow of the axe.

"So much nonsense!"

Tangning saw that the blow carried the pressure of the cultivator Zhuji, his eyes flashed, and one jumped back, pushing the cultivator behind who was trying to escape.

"Ah, no!"

The monk screamed when he saw the axe slashing towards him. The whole person was shocked by the pressure of the building foundation and couldn't move. He could only stare in horror as the axe couldn't stop cutting down.

"call out!"


The axe slashed down, and with a sizzle, he chopped off one of the monk’s arms shoulder-to-shoulder. As the broken arm flew out, blood also splashed on the ground, and everyone around him gasped. Those who were timid even covered their eyes and did not dare to watch the **** scene, and some people also exclaimed.


"Second brother!" Brother Zhuji saw that the unacceptable axe chopped off his second brother's arm, his whole body trembled, watching him fall stiffly, and staring frantically at the troubled person. Average child.

"Ah! I killed you!"

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