Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 895: Take home

"It will be early before dinner, or else, you come home with me! Go to my house and I will let you get some delicious food." Lan Yingying took Tangning's fleshy little hand, reluctant to let go Squeezed: "Tang Tang, go to my house! I will take you to my house to play, and I will take you home when it gets dark?"

"No, I want to go back to bed, and just get up for dinner."

Listening to the immature little milk voice solemnly saying that he would go back to sleep, Lan Yingying blinked a pair of beautiful eyes, staring at his cute and delicate face, and said, "Then I will take you back? Okay! That's it! I will send you back!"

When she was talking, she couldn't help but bends over, and directly hugged the little man. The soft feeling made her laugh happily.

"Hehehe, Tang Tang, you are really comfortable to hug! It's so soft and fleshy, it's so nice to hug." She giggled, stepped closer and smelled it, with a cheerful expression on her face: "It's still very fragrant. !"

Tang Ning's small face was strained, and she rolled her eyes speechlessly.

This Lan Yingying previously looked at her as a daughter of a family, and she speaks in a regular manner. His eyes have been staring at her to shine, and both hands are holding her little fleshy hands while she is not paying attention. Squeezed again, this would even hold her up directly, and even come forward to smell and watch. If it weren't for her to be a little girl, she would really punch her out as a **** embryo.

The woman in black on the side saw this, but her lips twitched and looked away. Miss San has always liked children, especially those who are exquisite and cute. Either she stepped forward to hug and kiss, or pinched the tender face of the child, so that the few years old children in the house Seeing that she was either scared or crying, she went around.

It's better today. I met this kid on the road and looks better. Look at this, I didn't take the person home, but I wanted to follow him home. If the owner and his wife knew it, it would be a headache.

"Well, Miss San, it's too early, so it's not good to visit suddenly, let this little boy go home first! So that his family is not anxious." The black-clothed woman said, seeing that the child is already there. Wangtian rolled her eyes and looked speechless, but she still held her hands and refused to let go.

"I don't worry about him walking home for such a young child, let's take him home! Let's go, is this the street?" She was already holding Tangning and walking forward.

The woman in black had no choice but to follow behind.

Tang Ning, who was being hugged, looked at the girl who had been staring at her and laughing, and her mouth twitched as she watched her face getting closer. What does this guy want to do? Do you want to kiss her? Is there any pedophilia?

"Tang Tang, you are really scented, not the scent of milk on ordinary children, but it smells really good." Lan Yingying said as she looked at the child in front of her, the more she liked it, the more she liked it, she wanted to hug it. Go home and raise it!

Tang Ning glanced at her and said, "You hold me a little tight, so let me go! I can walk by myself." She found that since she became small, everyone around her liked to walk with her.

"Is it tight? Then I can relax a little! Don't worry, I won't fall you. If you are afraid of falling, hold my neck." She looked at him expectantly with bright eyes.

"No." Tangning refused directly.

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