Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 922: Very conspicuous

When she was thinking about things, Qi Mufeng in the picture scroll woke up. He only felt that all his energy was drained. He sat weakly on the spot, watching the sudden increase from the white space. The scenery that came out was a bit weird.

But when I thought, even he was trapped in this painting, and suddenly there were more sceneries. What's so strange?

However, what he didn't expect was that in the scene that appeared, a beast was lying there, bloodthirsty and ferocious eyes were staring at him, and the beast roar from the beast's mouth made him fiercely flutter. Up.

"Damn! How can there be a beast!"

Seeing the majestic appearance of the tiger beast, his feathers stood up, and when he saw it pounced at him with a low growl, he was shocked and ran away: "Ah! Help..."

In the courtyard, Tangning saw the old man approaching with tea and placed it on the stone table in the courtyard. She walked over and poured a cup and drank, while holding the tea, she walked aside and watched the middle-aged man draw.

"Little boy."

The middle-aged man paused with the tip of his pen and looked at Tangning, who was holding tea on the side, and said, "You should sit at the table and drink with the tea, lest you accidentally overturn it for a while."

Hearing this, Tangning looked at him and saw his eyes that seemed to have insight into the human heart staring at her, she raised a smile and said, "Okay, just, Mr. Hua, how about my eldest brother? Why didn't he see him? What? He didn't seem to go back to the guest room to rest last night. Do you know where he went?"

"Oh? Didn't you go back? Last night, I heard him say that I can't drink enough. I should go back to rest earlier. Could it be that I went to the wrong guest house? I will ask Lao Zhang to look for it in the house." He said softly, and put it down Paintbrush, looking at the delicate child, said: "Do you like painting?"

"I don't know how to draw."

As Tangning said, she looked at the paintings on the railing again, and said, "However, I think that the paintings by the husband are very beautiful, just like real people. It's just that, why does the painting on the table show a little blood? "

While she was talking, she looked at Qi Mufeng's painting, and a little bit of blood was blooming in the blank space, like a red plum falling on white snow, very conspicuous.

The middle-aged man glanced at the painting in front of him and said with a smile: "My paintings are different from those of others. A painting is a world. Look, as long as you inject spiritual energy, everything in this painting is like a living thing. ."

Tangning saw him take out a pen and move it a little bit into the painting. The scene on the scroll seemed to come alive, the Qi Mufeng who was scratched by the tiger beast and ran for his life, the majestic tiger beast, and the painting. The scenery becomes vivid before our eyes.

However, I saw the picture on the scroll moving, but I couldn't hear the sound inside.

She stood aside and watched, and saw the middle-aged man watching the tiger beast tearing and biting Qi Mufeng as if watching a play. Her eyes moved slightly and saw Qi Mufeng being hit by the tiger beast against the big rock aside. A mouthful of blood came out, and before he stood up, the tiger beast opened his mouth and bit forward and bit towards his neck.


Qi Mufeng in the scroll saw the tiger beast biting him, and the bloodthirsty breath of the tiger beast enveloped him. Despair surged in his heart, and he instinctively exclaimed, raising his hand to stop, but saw In the next moment, a pointed paintbrush pierced like a sharp arrow, nailing the tiger beast that rushed to the ground.

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