Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 991: Occupy the mountains

When the rumbling sound came from outside, Tangning was shaken by the shaking ground, her hand shook, and the elixir entered the furnace. The proportions of the elixir entered the furnace, causing a loud explosion.


The whole pill furnace exploded, a scorched black medicine scent spurted from the furnace, black smoke rose, and Tangning, who was evasive, was covered with medicine **** and black ash.

As soon as Mo Ye, who was guarding outside, heard the movement in the courtyard, he immediately looked inside and saw that she was repelled by the blast of the pill furnace airflow, and she fell to the ground in embarrassment, except for her head and face. , I didn't see any injuries.

He raised his heart slightly to see that she was not hurt, and then he relaxed, but he also slightly raised his brow. If this alchemy is always like this, the danger is also great, if one day the pill furnace is accidentally exploded against her, how dangerous will the scene be?


Tangning choked twice with the scorching smell. While waving away the smoke in front of her, she stood up, raised her hand to unlock the barrier in the space, and then withdrew the formation. Only then came out and took a deep breath of the fresh air outside.

"Huh! It choked me to death."

She relaxed for a while, with her hands on her hips, staring at a pair of **** and white eyes, staring outside and said: "What happened to that just now? Was it a landslide or an earthquake? If it weren't for that moment, my furnace The pill is almost out, and now a good pot of pill has been ruined, which is really damning!"

"I don't know, there was a sudden shock. Why don't you go take a look?" Mo Ye looked at her and asked, seeing her standing there with her hips crossed, her whole body dark, as if crawling from a coal fire. It came out the same, only black and white in those big eyes.

"Hmph! Of course I have to go and see it. How can I just stop like this?" She said angrily, put her hand on her face and walked out.

When Mo Ye saw this, he followed her too. When he walked outside, he summoned a disciple who was running hurriedly and asked: "You look in a hurry, what's the matter?"

The disciple turned around, saw them two, and said: "A group of people came with swords and wanted to occupy the mountains on the west side of our Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple. When they heard that those people came, the leading one cut the scratches with the sword. It is said that the mountains beyond the dividing line cut by the sword must belong to them, and now the abbot and the uncles have already rushed over." After the words fell, they hurried forward.

Hearing these words, Mo Ye looked at Tangning who was on the side, saw her sullen, and walked forward. He followed him, saying, "Don't worry. Although the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is not as good as before, there are still capable people in the temple. Of the strong."

Tangning heard this and said, "I'm not worried, I just have a very itchy hand, and there is still nowhere to go out of anger."

Hearing this, Mo Ye twitched his mouth slightly and said with a smile: "In this case, you can spread fire on those people for a while, and by the way let them compensate you for the elixir of destruction."

Tangning raised her head and grinned when she looked at him: "That's what I meant!"

To the west of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, a group of people stood guarding flying swords, standing in the air, condescendingly looking at the monks below. The headed person even held a long sword with spiritual energy in his hand. Obviously, the long sword mark that appeared on the mountain below was cut out by this person.

"From today, this mountainous land will be my Zeng family property!"

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