Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 135: In the blood gang

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Corleone rode on the camel and drank the water in the water sac. He checked the system information again. Since the last battle, the two professional levels have not changed, but the [Predatory] talent has been used for a long time.

He has gained 2 fixed [strength] attributes, 1 [dexterity] attribute and 1 [charm] in total. The current strength is 25 points, which is five times that of ordinary people, and the resilience is quite amazing.

The agility is 14 points, and only after 15 points can you be eligible to learn the "Tear of Flesh" in the Aolong Great Sword Stream; the charm reaches 9 points, the facial features become more three-dimensional, and the overall look is full of masculine aura.

In terms of talent, [Strong Bow] has been trained to level 2, and nothing else has changed.

In terms of weapon proficiency, [Two-handed weapon proficiency] increased by 10 points and is currently 200 points; [Bow and arrow proficiency] increased by 15 points and is currently 110 points.

After checking the system, Corleone took the big sword on his back to his chest and carefully examined it. This big sword that had followed him for almost two years could be regarded as killing as many as hundreds of enemies.

After being spit out by the acid of the decomposing runner last time, there was still irreparable damage, and this sword has gone through too many battles, I am afraid it will be difficult to continue to use it.

"Black Mamba, give me a scimitar." Corleone retracted his weapon and said to his men.


"This scimitar was brought by the blacksmith? The quality is not bad. When I return to the camp, I have to get a new big sword from him." Corleone tried the scimitar in his hand and felt that the weight was right for him. It's too light.

"I guess there is nothing good about the blacksmith. It seems that I should order a special weapon from the dwarf. Alas, I have to borrow money from the smiling face." Corleone thought irritably.

At this time, the blood gang is still more than a day away from the temporary camp, and Xiaomian has dispatched little flying insects to contact the quarters team in advance, and the little insects have not yet flown to their destination.

In the team, the wild boars rode the wasteland pigs in the front, Giuliano and Kushner were talking in the middle, Laughing and Corleone were behind them.

Little Grey Ball still squatted on the side of the road behind because of a stomach trouble, and would rush over after a while.

No one thought that the lame gang would ambush them in such a remote place, even Giuliano's sharp eyes did not observe the enemy.

That's mainly because Johnny the Mad Dog spent a lot of money to buy two [All Invisibility] scrolls, plus their respective disguise, so that they were not discovered by the blood gang.

However, this invisibility technique has great disadvantages. As long as the movement is a little larger, it will be exposed, as will be exposed when attacking others. Therefore, the lame people have endured the scorching sun from early in the morning until now.

The mad dog Johnny licked his shriveled lips and looked at the blood gang that was approaching. He dared not look directly at him for too long, for fear that Giuliano would notice his gaze.

The others in the Lame Gang are very excited because they know that the most powerful blood gang in Borderlands will be replaced by the Lame Gang!

Kushner said to Giuliano: "We will still need to recruit a group of people by then. The standard can be lowered. Now several well-known bandits and bandit groups have suffered huge losses, and others will definitely take action. "

Giuliano took the reins and looked at the clouds in the sky: "Yeah, I finally joined a group of members I'm satisfied with, and it turned out..."

Within this second, the lame member "big head" hiding nearby, decisively pulled down the lever on a black box.

The current appearance of his big head is very terrifying. Most of his face and arms are distorted and deformed, and they are ulcerated and sore, all because of the alchemy bomb buried in the ground.

The gift that Mad Dog Johnny prepared for the blood gang came from the hands of the Scuri caravan, and he almost spent the entire family of the lame gang to buy this special weapon.

The Scuri clan is currently the most influential clan in the rat-man society. This clan used the authority of the time to dominate the learning rights of magic, and specializes in the achievements of magic and mechanical engineering from ancient times to the present. This allows Scuri to use the dimension Stone is used to create all kinds of guns and cannons. These weapons can poison the victim with radiation even if they don't hit the vital organs of the enemy.

They also maintain close transactions with the South Continent. After all, those deserts are very suitable for various important experiments.

This alchemy bomb is made of extremely unstable special magic stones such as Dimensional Stones. The explosive power is huge, but improper preservation can also kill one's own people.

The crippled gang has been kept by the big head after trading from the Ratman 4 months ago. Johnny knew his inner hatred, so he was quite relieved to him. The bomb has strong radiation and the big head looks like Caused by holding bombs for a long time.

"Boom——!!!" With a loud noise, a large hot wave burst out from the sandy ground where the blood gang passed. With the earth-shaking sound, thick smoke billowed into the air like a dust storm overwhelming the sky.

The blood gang team flew around like fragments, many people were blown up alive on the The nose was just right in the center of the explosion. The wasteland pig under the crotch was first blown into several pieces. Then he himself was blown into two pieces, and he wailed and clutched his abdomen, but that didn't help anymore.

Giuliano and Kushner's mounts were also killed instantly, and they both fell into a severely injured state and fell to the ground.

The smiling faces in the last row also flew out, cracks appeared in the mask on his face, and if he was hit for a few more times, it would become a piece of ground.

As for Corleone, he felt that the whole world seemed to be shaking, sinking, and melting. He couldn't hear any sound in his ears. He only saw many people falling to the ground, accompanied by thick black smoke.

"Hahahahaha, kill the blood gang with me!" The mad dog Johnny gave an order, and more than 150 lame gang members ambushing on both sides rushed towards Corleone and the others.

"Jiang-Ni -!!!" At this time, Giuliano stood up with a stabbing sword supporting his body, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

He hates the sky! Giuliano no longer cared about the men who fell on the ground. He held the stabbing sword and launched a charge forward. The lead bullet shot from the flintlock was once again blocked by Miss Doll's [Psionic Flying Arrow].

Giuliano directly threw the flintlock aside. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, and that was to kill the mad dog Johnny at any cost!

Corleone, who was blown to the ground on the other side, slowed down with his amazing physique. After spitting out a mouthful of black blood, he knew that his internal organs should have been severely injured, but he didn't care about the injuries on his body.

Looking around, the brothers who were nearby suffered heavy casualties. Hei Mamba lay on the ground and closed his eyes, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

Corleone looked at the lame gang members rushing towards them, with endless anger burning in his heart. At this time, the expression on his face was full of madness!

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