Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 144: Unlucky 2 people

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On the other side, Laughing and Beep were taking the manticore on their way, but they encountered a huge sandstorm that had been rare for decades.

The distant sky carries a lot of sand and dust rolling up and down, forming countless sand and dust clusters of different sizes that meet in the air. The fast-moving black sand wall can destroy all obstacles.

"What kind of luck is this? I caught up with such a good weather within a few days of coming out!"

"Ah, Beep, I don’t know, let’s find a place to hide, or we will definitely be buried alive!"

"I'm not afraid of being buried alive, it's just a bit laborious to crawl out."


"Hee hee, don't look suspicious, we definitely can't beat the speed of a sandstorm, I think we should hide there."

The smiling face refers to a ruin not far away, but most of the building is covered by yellow sand.

"Then don't hurry up! Beep, I don't want to die!" The two rode on wildebeests and moved toward the ruins. The manticore was flying in the air staggeringly because of the approach of the strong wind.

"Hurry up and bring the wildebeest in, little scorpion! Stop flying, come down to me!"

The manticore let out a low roar, hovered in the air for a full circle before flying down, and stopped steadily on the ground with all four feet. Its eyes were filled with disdain, as if saying: really two courageous couragers. .

At this time, its size is much larger than that of a normal gray wolf, but it is still in the "childhood".

"Ahhhhh! It's over! Beep is dead today!"

As for the smiling face, he leaned lazily against the broken wall and took out a small wine bottle from his arms. A small opening appeared in his mask, and then he poured the liquid inside into the mouth.

Beep came over and snatched his wine bottle, poured all the remaining wine into his mouth, and vomited out halfway through Beep: "Oh, what are you doing? Horse urine!"

"Hehe, the centipede wine I brewed myself, it tastes good."

"Not bad, I didn't expect that I couldn't even drink fine wine before I died. This is too miserable!"

The smiling face ignored the beep of the howling ghost, but brushed the sand off the ground with his hand. He carefully observed the floor and found that there seemed to be some mechanism.

"Hehehe, there seems to be something interesting, let me see." The smiling face let out a pleasant laugh, and began to press the mechanism on the ground.

"Uuuuu...what are you doing?" Beep stopped crying, looking at the busy smiling face on the side.

"Interesting, really interesting! It looks like some kind of seal, I don't know if the seal underneath is a monster or a treasure?"

"Ah this, Beep thinks you should stop doing it. It feels like it's not a good idea to unlock the seal!"

"It's a bit troublesome, it may take a little blood, Beep you come here." The smile drew a scimitar from his waist.

Beep quickly hid behind the manticore: "Beep warns you not to mess around, or I will let the manticore sting you!"

"What are you afraid of, you only need a few drops of your blood. We may be buried alive if we hide outside, so we might as well hide under the ground."

"Why not use your own! Alas, Beep shouldn't go with you asshole."

"Hehe, I have no blood to shed, I can only use yours."

"Wow! How many drops of blood are you calling?" A big cut was made on Beep's hand with a smile, and a lot of yellow-brown blood flowed out.

"Um, Bippu thinks that I can't do it anymore..." Bippu's old problem of fainting easily as soon as he gets injured has committed again, and he fell directly to the ground before he finished speaking.

Smiling hurriedly went over and bandaged his wound, and then looked at the blood-covered organ formation on the ground.

"I hope the hive man's blood can also work, so it should do." The smile murmured alone.

A few minutes later, a huge sandstorm swept across the entire area. The walls in the ruins were blown to the ground, and many large pieces of rubble were blown into the air. If they were still outside, they would probably be. Was torn into pieces.

"Where are we?" Beep woke up from a coma and found that they were in a narrow and dark passage. The four wildebeests were close together, very afraid of the manticore beside him.

The main reason is that manticore's unkind gaze has been staring at them, always trying to eat them as food.

"I don't know. Looking at the murals on the wall is a bit like a certain dynasty hundreds of years ago." Smiling while holding a torch and watching.

"Hey, Beep, I didn't realize that Captain Laughing was still a historian. That's amazing."

"When you live long enough, you can learn a lot."

"Wow, you seem to live a long time. Beep thinks you don't want to brag anymore. Let's stay where we are and leave here when the sandstorm passes."

The smiling face didn’t care about the trembling beep, but continued to look at the mural: “It seems to be some kind of sacrificial scene, hehe, it should be a kind of Druidic sect. This is really rare, Druidic sect. It was wiped out on this land a long time it is a German or a druid, why does Beep feel that it is very cold here, it's icy cold!"

"I'll continue to look ahead, you just stay here." The smiling face handed the Huozhezi to Beep, letting him light a spare torch by himself.

"Then you need to say, be careful, don't be killed by any monster!"

The smile patted his own flute, and signaled Beppo not to worry.

The next passage was spiraling downward, as if it were going to the center of the earth. The smiling face felt that he had walked for a long time, and he simply released a few small flying insects to investigate.

When the flying insects were approaching the lowest level, they were all killed by a mysterious force, which made the smiling face feel threatened.

He stopped where he was, thinking about whether to continue: "Hehehe, I have lived long enough anyway, why should I be afraid? Let's go down and see what it is!"

When the smiling face reached the lowest level, among the cluttered piles of luminous ore, I saw a giant iron gate over 6 meters high. On both sides of the iron gate, several oil lamps had been lit, as if someone was waiting. Hold him.

Smiling, pulling out the scimitar and continuing to walk forward, the iron door opened automatically with a "cackling" sound, and there was only a huge withered tree inside, with a rhizome tens of meters long occupying the entire room. .

Of course, this is not an ordinary tree, but a plant that looks like it is made of crystal and emits a blue light. It is beautiful and looks more like a large piece of natural crystal carved into a poplar tree.

And in the center of the trunk of the big tree, which is the structural part of the "pith", there is a creature that looks like an octopus curled up inside. If you observe closely, you can find that this "octopus" is slightly faint every few minutes. Shake once.

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