Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 149: Looking for the little princess

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Black Mamba slapped his hands and said, "Just let us not get drunk tonight. People must learn to relax, otherwise they will explode on the spot!"

Corleone laughed and waved the warhammer in his hand: "Hahaha, that's not okay, it's inconvenient to have children."

Then he touched the stubble on his chin and said, "Why don't I send Little Sama back to the hotel. Although the dwarf uncle can't buy wine, but the food is enough."

After hearing this, Salama shook her head like a rattle. She hadn't been to a tavern yet, and she was very curious.

She even hopes to meet the legendary hero in the tavern as in the story.

"Hey, you don't think this kid is happy yet, I think it's better to take her." Hei Mamba smiled and stroked the girl's head.

"Then you are responsible for her safety, and I will take care of myself drinking."

"Hey, hello, didn't I propose this idea first? I think you should take care of the child. I haven't drunk the dwarf beer for a long time!"

"Um... No, I can't sign language."

"Depend on!"

The two talked and laughed and led the little girl towards a tavern on the street called "Spin Time".

Although the tavern in front of you does not occupy much space, the interior decoration is still very tasteful, and the floor is cleaned quite clean, unlike some taverns that are piled up with thick dust and grease, or even animal feces.

It was a little late at this time, the fireplace fire in the tavern and the candles on the table were illuminating the surroundings. Customers were talking excitedly, and the environment seemed noisy and a bit dim.

This is completely different from Salama's imagined tavern. Although the tavern is cleaned and cleaned, the smell of sweat and various inferior wines on some guests instantly filled her nose.

Salama, who was still a bit hungry, has no appetite at all. She would rather eat dried meat and dried fruits in the desert like before.

The most beautiful "scenery" in the tavern is the proprietress. This woman named Monica started her business three years ago, and many customers came here admiringly.

Monica has a tall figure, deep and charming eyes and long eyelashes. The pale blue turban wraps the towering curly hair to set off her snow-white skin.

No one knows her specific origins, and she herself claims to be the offspring of an exiled little nobleman.

Although she has a beautiful appearance, she definitely does not have the superior temperament of a nobleman. Instead, she appears to be very close to the people. Anyone can say hello to her.

So everyone in the tavern, whether men, women, young or old, like her, and many people are willing to talk to her.

Of course, not everyone came with friendly intentions. Once, a mercenary leader took a fancy to her appearance and tried to come to an overlord to force the bow.

A few days later after being stopped by others, someone found his body in a stinking ditch. From then on, no one dared to provoke this beautiful proprietress again.

"Welcome, dear guests." Monica smiled and said to Corleone and them.

"Wow, what a cute little girl, is this your child?" She looked at Salama wearing a veil, as if countless hearts appeared in her eyes.

Under the infection of such a charming smile, both Corleone and Black Mamba unknowingly relaxed their vigilance, as if they had met a long-awaited relative, warm and warm.

"Madam, she is not my child. We encountered her by accident, and now we just want to send her home."

After Corleone said these words, Monica immediately aroused the vigilance. With the help of the dim candlelight, she carefully looked at the cute little girl, and felt that the probability of being the target was not small.

"Really? Then you are really kind people! For your kind behavior, I have to say something. These two glasses of malt are given to the two for free."

Monica took out three wooden cups, filled two of them with ale, then poured melon juice in the third cup, and handed it to the little girl.

"Then where is the poor child's home? I still have quite good news here, maybe it will be helpful to you."

Corleone drank the ale in front of him in one sip, and the coolness spread throughout his body. The wine in this store is really not bad!

"Her home is in a three-story house on XX Street, but when we went to find it, no one seemed to be home."

"It's such a shame." Monica covered her mouth with a chuckle, mainly to hide the surprised expression on her face.

She knew that there was the residence of the witch doctor, and that witch doctor had no children. Combined with the information provided by her superiors, the little girl in front of her was probably the princess herself!

As a senior spy in the Kingdom of Burroughs, Monica has laid a large number of dark lines in the city. As the intelligence leader of the city, her most important task is to monitor and collect information related to the "little giant". intelligence.

Some time ago, she received an urgent task, that is, to find the little princess Salama Abo Rashid Matums Burroughs at any cost.

Even though most of the dark lines in the city are at risk of exposure, it is necessary to find the whereabouts of the little because this princess is the king's heart and the jewel in his palm.

Although the king has more than 20 children, the little princess is the one who loves most. If it is not for fear of causing turbulence in the surrounding situation, the king plans to send his troops to Cologne Slidi City.

If there is no whereabouts of the little princess, the angry king is likely to slaughter the city of Cologne Slidi, he can completely do such a thing, because he has done it twice before in other places.

Monica gave the servants next to him a look, and then said to them, "Do you need any food? I recommend you the exclusive pie made from a variety of fruits, meats, and vegetables. It’s crispy Coated with honey, it tastes quite delicious."

"And today is the Moon Festival. We also have special pastries [Dead Crepes]. Would you like to try it?"

Hei Mamba held the wooden cup and replied: "It's all subject to the boss's arrangement, but the pie should be larger. It's best to have a serving of ten and a small barrel of ale."

"No problem." Monica greeted the back kitchen to get busy, and when she passed a servant, she whispered a few words into her ear, and the servant quickly left the kitchen back door. Up.

And Monica swayed her waist and walked towards Corleone and the others, holding the heavy small wine barrel in both hands, and the black mamba hurried forward to catch the wine barrel.

"Why do you bother you, lady boss, with this little thing?"

"It's okay, I just like this kid and want to get closer to her."

"By the way, I don't know the name of this little angel yet!"

Corleone replied for her: "Oh, this child is born mute and can't speak. She is called Sama."

Now Monica is 100% sure that this girl is the little princess Salama.

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