Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 177: Crazy looting【1】

"Fuck! What was the last thing!" Corleone yelled after waking up, and rubbed his body with his hands, the feeling of turning into pieces of meat was not very pleasant.

The old man tasted the food with a smile, and asked him: "What's the matter, which challenge did you reach? Or which level is it?"

"This... I don't know those words either, I just know that I finally met a powerful six-armed warrior. Is that a subspecies of the multi-armed giant? I'm afraid this strength is about the same as the Demon God."

When the old man heard these words, the wine in his mouth was sprayed out.

"Keep your mouth clean! That adult is thousands of times more noble than a multi-armed giant!"

"It's actually a challenge to the zero way! It's too fast, even my first time I only managed to get to the bottom 3rd way."

"Good boy, you also killed those bull monsters? Where is the Bone Swordsman?"

"You are talking about the three Minotaur bull heads? They are really hard bones. Fortunately, my bones are harder, haha."

"As for the undead swordsman you mentioned, there was a big hole in my abdomen! If I didn't approach him desperately to fight, I guess I would be killed."

The old man said enviously: "You panic, you won't be injured when you return to reality. If you try to release the aura on your body, it will definitely be stronger than before."

Corleone hurriedly used [Pious], and sure enough, the amount of these black mists became more, and the color became deeper.

"Master, can you let me try again, hehehe."

"Don't dream, this Hundred Dao Secret Realm can only be entered once a month. It needs to absorb enough dark energy to return to its normal state."

"As for the Thousand Dao Secret Realm, which has been lost for thousands of years, it can't be seen now."

"And to be honest, even if you train for decades, you won't be that guy's opponent. His strength has already surpassed the demigod, even though it's just a phantom..."

"Yeah, Master, looking at your expression, it should have been chopped over several times."

"Nonsense! No pious swordsman has ever succeeded so far. It is a miracle to be able to barely resist his attack."

After checking, Corleone found that he did not have any wounds on his body, and he was finally relieved, but he was looking forward to the next fight.

In the days that followed, they were constantly fighting in the arena.

On October 7, 1623, Corleone’s 6-person team battled [Shark Lizard]. This black-brown monster has the head of a shark and the body of a lizard, capable of wandering underground.

If it weren't for the special magic circle buried in the arena, I'm afraid it would have escaped.

This monster eventually died in the hands of Corleone, and was given the talent [tremor perception]: it can enter the perception state, and any object within 18 meters of the surrounding area can sense its position when it touches the ground.

On October 22nd, Liaomian and Peipuo inquired about Corleone's news. Unfortunately, their strength was not enough to rescue Corleone, so they could only choose to stay in the city.

And the two people also bought tickets to watch Corleone's gladiatorial match today. They watched them with gusto.

This time, two teams of 12 people are fighting together [Mutated Snake Chicken Beast]. The Snake Chicken Beast, which is a mixture of lizards, roosters, and bats, is a kind of creepy little monster.

A normal-sized snake-chicken beast is about the same size as a turkey, but this monster is a mutant, dozens of times larger in size. The most terrifying thing is that its [Petrochemical] ability has also been strengthened, and it can change the enemies it touches. Into stone.

Finally, he was killed at the cost of 4 deaths.

Corleone gained 1 fixed [Charm] and talent [Petrochemical Immunity]:

Immune to most petrochemical abilities, such as Medusa's gaze, petrified bull's breath, "petrification", etc., but cannot be completely immune to legendary and above petrochemical attacks.

On November 7th, the Big Apple Circus left Pewara City and headed to nearby cities. During this period of performance, it attracted a lot of audiences.

On November 9th, the Arena purchased a [Devil Hunter Spider]. This huge creature looks like a spider but speaks a special language. Some people think this is the language of communication between demons.

The most powerful move of the Demon Hunter is [Transportation from Other Worlds] It can teleport itself to some other worlds attached to the main world, but the magic circle under the arena confines its space spells.

During the battle, the two fighting beasts were controlled by [Bewitching Words] and fought with other beasts. In the end, it was Corleone who cut off the head of the Demon Hunter.

He gained 1 point of fixed [intelligence] and a skill [suggestion]: You influence the target creature's actions by suggesting a series of activities (limited to one or two sentences).

The content of the suggestion must sound reasonable. Asking a creature to do an obviously harmful behavior will automatically make the spell fail.

That night, Corleone chose to continue to enter the nightmare space and challenge the Hundred Paths of Secret Realm. As a result, he was naturally cut into pieces again, but he was successfully upgraded to the Level 2 Slaughter Blade and once again mastered the new skills.

On November 25, the three teams of 18 players faced the extremely strong and sturdy super-large earth element. Its body was made up of various soils, rocks and precious metals.

The sound it made was like the rumble of an earthquake. This earth element did not want to start a battle, it just wanted to return to the earth element plane for a new round of deep sleep.

It is a pity that under the influence of the [Advanced Fury Technique] released by the wizard, the earth element launched a crazy attack on dozens of people on the field.

A total of 12 people died in this battle. One of the triplets in Corleone's team died, and he himself was seriously injured. If it weren't for the big orc pants and his life-threatening resistance, it would probably be all destroyed.

Finally gained 1 point of fixed [strength], 1 point of fixed [intelligence] and new talent [familiar with the earth]:

When you stand on the ground all attacks and damage will be enhanced, and you can slowly recover your injuries; if you are in the water or in the air, without any bonus, the speed of recovery will also change slow.

Corleone was very eager for this new talent. After thinking about it, he still chose to accept it. After all, most of the battles take place on land. This may be the best talent at the moment.

On December 10th, the construct knight Lancelot was assigned to Corleone’s team. This was their first meeting, and the opponent to be challenged was the most powerful monster in the arena [many-armed giant].

It also has a title called [Beast Fighter Terminator], because so far there has not been any Fighter able to defeat it.

This monster with six arms is 7 meters high, its rough gray skin is covered with protruding spikes, and the giant's head is sunken in its burly shoulders.

Its arms have a pair of elbow joints, which can make a smooth rolling and crushing posture. This should be the most difficult challenge Corleone has encountered so far.

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