Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 183: The "heretical" prince of the Sultanate

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The Arab Sultanate, located in the eastern part of the Nehnan Continent, has a long and ancient history, mysterious magic, and an extremely vast territory.

Although most of the land is desert, the powerful nomads live in the oases and mountains scattered like stars.

The cruel environment did not crush the will of the Arabi people, but instead cultivated their tenacity and cruel behavior.

Countless merchants traveled through this huge country, and they also understood the importance of the Sultanate to the entire southern continent. If the Sultanate did not resist the attack of those ancient tombs, the entire continent would become a paradise for the dead.

The Sultanate is not like other kingdoms. It is actually a loose alliance composed of dozens of large cities. Each city-state has its own ruler and has different laws, customs, and traditions.

Although loose, certain powerful lords have the military power to easily destroy a small country.

The most powerful of these lords is often called [Sultan] or just [Sultan], and in some periods, there may even be multiple sultans co-reigning.

The other is the theocracy [Caliph]. The level of the caliph and the sultan is not clear, and some city-states are ruled by the caliph.

The caliphs all call themselves servants of the gods, and these caliphs, who are similar to high priests, are often mages or sorcerers with extraordinary strength.

Located in the southern region of the Arabi Mountains, the Khalifa Mages Palace built there is also the largest settlement of Mages in the Sultanate.

Threatened by the undead from the [Dead Land] ancient tomb, the lords will temporarily put aside their prejudices and fight against these skeletons together.

But every sultan still has the ambition to unify the Arab Sultanate. The current strongest sultan is called Jarafat, and is also known as the "lion of the endless desert."

He has an army of hundreds of thousands of people. Among them are the "Spark" heavy armored knight team composed of epic knights, which is extremely rare and extremely difficult to train, and the Arabi elephant group composed of giant monsters. Arabi flying carpet troops composed of warlocks and so on.

[Khartoum] The city is the territory of King Jalafat, and is also the most populous and prosperous city in the country. It has a total population of close to 5 million, but at least more than 500,000 people died in the recent disaster.

In the extremely extravagant palace of King Jalafat, his family lived a life of extravagance that ordinary people could not imagine. Thousands of slaves served them. In his harem, there were beauties from all over the world. There are mountains of gold and treasures in the treasure room.

One of the most powerful treasures is naturally the characteristic of the Sultanate [Arabian Lamp]. Warlocks can summon different lamp gods from the lamp to assist in the battle.

These lamp gods are actually the general term for all elemental spirits, they are imprisoned in magic lamps or magic pots as the ultimate weapon.

When they were released from the magic lamp, these elemental giants with a height of over a hundred meters had amazing combat effectiveness.

Half a year ago, in the battle that took place near Elha Lake, it was a [Sand Lantern] who created a suffocating giant sandstorm and completely repelled the army of Carlos III.

This is a complete shame for Carlos III. Originally, he was able to smoothly unify the entire southwestern region of the Nehnan continent. Such rapid expansion was interrupted by the Sultanate, not only being interrupted, but simply being interrupted. Silly.

And the terrible "natural disaster" that occurred in Ktoum city a week ago was entirely caused by man-made disasters, not the "super-large earthquake" they had promoted.

The night of February 5, 1624 was the most memorable night for the residents of Ketoum. On that night, they witnessed a catastrophic disaster.

In the palace of the sultan in the center of the city, a very complicated and cumbersome ceremony is going on, and the person who presides the ceremony is the sultan's least favored young son, Ocaza.

This 12-year-old boy named Ocaza is basically equal to the prince in the secular kingdom.

In fact, the little prince Ocaza was very much favored by the Sultan at the beginning, after all, he showed amazing wisdom and courage when he was young.

At only 7 years old, the little prince can smoothly release second-order spells. Such a talent can be regarded as a rare encounter in a thousand years. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the proud son of heaven.

In addition, he is also proficient in mathematics, ritual music, alchemy, astronomy, etc. Even though the sultanate is also the eldest son inheritance system, the sultan has long designated the little prince Ocaza as the future heir.

But the good times didn't last long. When the little prince was 9 years old, his public remarks completely angered the sultan, so the sultan shut him into the palace, basically being imprisoned.

The little prince delivered the following "heresy" speech at the rally, and tens of thousands of people heard his true thoughts.

However, after the incident, the civilians among these people at were severely censored, and those with problems would be directly executed.

At that time, the little prince expressed his determination with an impassioned speech, which was a generalization of thoughts derived from a deep observation of the poor and the nobles.

"Everyone is born equal, whether you are a slave, a commoner or a nobleman, we should all enjoy inalienable rights! Among them should include the right to life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness!"

"I think these are universal truths, self-evident truths, and eternal truths given to us by the God of Neh!"

"Why are we, nobles who claim to be descendants of gods, have the qualifications to easily take the lives of others? Why are Arab slaves who look the same as us and have the same skin color are inferior to pigs and dogs? They are bought and sold at will like commodities?"

"Is this fair? Is this reasonable? Does this conform to the original doctrine of the gods?"

"—No! I will never let them suffer such suffering again. Such atrocities and tyranny are disgusting. Our laws do not guarantee the rights of civilians and slaves!"

"I hope that people with lofty ideals can join the [Arabi Truth Party] I founded to bring real liberation and prosperity to the oppressed people in this land!!!"

"Long live the Neh God!"

There were also cheers from countless spectators, who also shouted "Long live the Neh God!" "Long live Prince Ocaza!"

The little prince is very smart, and he can have such amazing insights at the age of 9, which is beyond everyone's expectations.

But he was too naive. In the sultanate he was in, slaves were the cornerstone of the country, and all farming, grazing, and production were inseparable from the work of slaves.

Not to mention that he verbally provokes the laws enacted by the Sultan, this is disrespectful!

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