Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 214: Offensive and defensive battle of Baiwala【14】

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After 15 minutes, many gladiators have put on better equipment, including lock blouses, chain leggings, nose helmets and other armors. In addition, they also took a lot of light equipment, but didn't take much heavy equipment.

Weapons have also been replaced with superior grades. Most barbarians chose throwing axes and battle axes, while others took short swords, spears, and round thick shields.

Of course, they did not choose the equipment in this way to help the subsequent defensive battle, but to prepare to withdraw from the weakest guarded area of ​​the barracks at night.

Now there are only 140 people under Corleone, and some people are willing to stay in the city. Some of those who leave the organization are looking for their own way, some are for wealth, and some think that the city of Baiwala can be held.

56 of the remaining group of people are barbarian warriors or fighters, mostly from different wild tribes, but now they have a common leader, that is "Black Fang" Corleone.

More than 80 other people used to be tribal warriors, mercenaries, officers, killers and even monitor lizard riders.

The strength of this group of people has almost reached the elite level. Among them, the Black Mamba, the "Giant Hand" Thok, the Barbarian Tal Lion, and the Tauren "Rock Hoof" are close to the epic level.

The half-elf Seranis, the old fishhead Slardar, and the "earth blizzard" Bazaha are epic, but their strengths are different. Yes, the old fishhead will not stay in the city anymore. He also chose to join. Corleone's team.

Corleone got a brand new great sword from the quartermaster. This great sword is certainly not a rune weapon, but a rare quality iron sword.

There are also a few more javelins and a scroll on his body, which are obtained by fighting with the quartermaster.

At that time, Corleone suggested that he would find a way to destroy the powerful female mage, so he needed enough assistance, and this scroll of [Feather Falling Technique] was used to save life at critical moments.

The tips of the 6 javelins are also made of special metal, which has a weak magic-breaking effect.

"Head, beware." A barbarian said to Corleone.

Black Mamba drew a machete: "Are you sure you can kill the female mage? Or wait until the evening to make a plan, and let the legendary knight solve it."

These energetic subordinates all accompanied Corleone back to the city wall.

"It's because the black square can't support me. If he is also defeated, maybe he will be attacked by the Jialong army today."

Corleone's expression looked exceptionally cold, he placed the big sword on his back, and by the way he drew a javelin to try his hand, and then put it back. The 2 kg javelin was nothing to him.

"I have a little confidence in me, can't you run if you can't beat it? Go away."

After chanting a weird spell, a burst of smoke emerged from the magic bottle, which soon condensed into a smoke eagle.

With a "swish", the Smoke Eagle carried Corleone towards the battlefield, leaving behind a long tail of smoke.

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The nearby crossbowmen and soldiers wanted to come and help, but they all turned into corpses on the ground, and no one dared to approach them anymore.

"Relax, William Dwight, I won't kill you right away, I will only torture you to death!" Witch Vika laughed wildly.

At this time, the witch noticed a young man riding towards her not far away riding a smoke eagle. The young man was not wearing a helmet. He had black shattered hair gleaming in the sun, and a deep depth that could not be touched. Black eyes.

Corleone's tall body is wearing chain mail and breastplate, and he holds a javelin in his hand.

The witch looked at the giant eagle and rider contemptuously, and screamed: "No one can stop my revenge! No one!!!"

Then three consecutive acid arrows flew out from the legendary staff, and the target was directed at the young rider on the smoke eagle.

At this time, Corleone's pupils shrank, and the javelin containing [Fearless Strike] was thrown out of his hand, and black psychic energy was attached to the javelin.

Then the Smoke Eagle suddenly raised its head and flew towards the high altitude. All the acid arrows passed through its misty body, and none of them hit Corleone's body.

"Good bird! Hide well!"

This was the first time Corleone was fighting in the air, but he didn't have any psychological or physical fear of heights. He just felt extremely irritating. This instant tremor and incredible speed made people intoxicated.

"I'm going to fix your head, Master." Corleone thought in his heart, and continued to take out the javelin from behind.

The javelin just hit the witch's spell barrier, and was blocked by the slime slime shield. The entire javelin was trapped in the slime.

Such an offensive made the witch very unhappy, she just wanted to torture the black square, and the "fly" that got in the way should die immediately!

The witch whispered a spell, and countless green leaves floating and spinning with the wind appeared on the legendary staff ~ and crackling lightning surrounded it.

This is an original third-order spell [Emerald Spear. Lightning Strike], and the strong green light that exploded even obscured the vision.

The green leaves condensed into a spear, and the jumping lightning attached to the spear, making this magic weapon faster, and it drew across the sky in an instant.

This has surpassed Corleone's naked eye's capture speed, and the swift attack even the Smoke Eagle has no time to dodge.

The next moment the thunder and lightning spear hit Corleone's body, all the hair was lifted up by electricity, and his skin turned black.

Fortunately, his talent [Lightning Resistance] withstands 60% of the damage from electric shocks, coupled with the steel and iron physique and the protection of the bizarre breastplate, he was only slightly injured in the end.

With the continuous muffled sound of "Swish! Swish! Swish!" Corleone threw all the remaining 5 javelins behind him, and then he let out a roar, drew out his big sword, and charged with the smoke eagle. Go up.

Corleone knew that in a battle with any wizard, he must not be able to distance himself from each other, and must fight in close quarters to interrupt the wizard's spellcasting rhythm.

The target of these javelins is not the female mage, but her mount eater queen bee. Although this monster has an extraordinary defensive chitin carapace, it still cannot withstand this brutal blow full of brute force and psychic energy. .

Accompanied by the miserable scream of insects, a few large **** holes were opened on the abdomen and chest of the queen eater bee, and its wings stopped flapping and fell downward.

But this has little effect on the witch Vika. She is an insectized person, hovering in mid-air, relying on two pairs of high-speed vibrating butterfly wings behind her.

"Who are you?!"

What replied to her was not the words of the young warrior, but the cold sword light brought by the iron sword in his hand!

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