Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 316: Viking Landed

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Nine days passed quickly. When the people in Jinhuan Town were still making military preparations, unfortunate news finally came from the spies.

Viking pirates with more than 10,000 people have successfully landed on the shallows a few kilometers away and started camping.

If the baron has enough troops, if Earl Sergey of Novus is willing to send reinforcements, he will definitely take this opportunity to launch a surprise attack and prevent the Viking pirates from gaining a foothold.

Unfortunately, neither of the above two conditions holds true.

However, the Vikings were not without losses during this journey. Some dragon-head ships hit the reef and were swallowed by the cold water.

There are more than 200 oarsmen and crew members, just so miserably buried on the bottom of the sea.

As the tide surged, on the beach near Jinhuan Town, a swollen white body could be seen.

On the battleship, these Viking pirates carried a small box with clothing and weapons, and sat on it while paddling.

There is a cabin at the fore and aft of each ship to store food, storing butter, cheese, beer, fresh water, meat, apples and chestnuts, in addition to various cooking utensils, sailing equipment and tents for landing.

The Vikings could even carry warships forward on land, so that they could sail on other rivers.

Now, a large amount of materials are unloaded from the ship by them. In addition to the warriors on alert, many people also took felling axes to fell trees in the nearby forest.

These solid woods are all building materials used to build camps.

Lord Ivan carried his battle axe and stood on the land where the frost was gradually dissipating. In the warm sun, the shining ice crystals turned into dew.

He put the battle axe on the ground and drew a long sword from his waist. The blade of this sword is made of high-quality steel. When smelting, he scrubbed the blade with acid, revealing the pattern of the blade and the handle. Inlaid with exquisite orange amber.

The name of the producer is engraved on the spine of the sword, and it looks like [Rovelit], it should be an ancient master blacksmith.

Lord Ivan held this long sword high, chanting Luenwen's spell, and invisible ripples spread out from the sword. Within 1 kilometer, a large number of harmful insects and poisonous snakes all fell silently into death.

This also includes the little transparent flying insects released by the smiling face.

"Today, we are camping in this place, so that the brothers who watch the night are clever, not to be attacked by anyone."

In this way, densely packed tents were erected on this flat beach, forming a temporary camp for the Vikings.

All the logs that have been felled have been made into crude protective fences.

Some soldiers quickly brought back the firewood they had collected. They set up a bonfire, placed an iron pot, and started to cook the fresh fish they had just caught.

The scent filled the entire camp, and the camp was filled with a lot of noise and clamor.

The Viking warriors who had completed the reconnaissance returned on horseback, indicating that no enemies were seen nearby, and most likely they were all gathered in the town of Golden Ring.

"Hahahaha, what a group of cowards!" A certain giant axe warrior laughed presumptuously.

The Lord Ivan and several other leaders sat on the wooden stakes, drinking beer from horn glasses, and talking to each other.

"My lord, why is Bluetooth allocated to us this broken place, Baron Nicholas is not easy to deal with!"

"It's him, it's absolutely intentional, that old **** with blue beard wants to use this arrangement to consume our troops in order to keep his seat firmly."

And the Viking leader is even more shocking: "Huh, maybe Bluetooth wants to be the same king as the southerners. I think he has this ambition."

"Yeah, he is currently trying to win over the Binghou Commando and several high lords in the east. The ghost knows what's wrong with his brains!"

"My lord, what do you think?"

A group of people were sitting around the fire. Some subordinates handed Ivan a piece of sandwich bread with charred bacon and large pieces of fish inside. He swallowed the food in twos and threes and said his thoughts:

"I know what kind of person Bluetooth Harradi is, cruel and cold, but on the other hand he looks generous and selfless."

"You all know that he once saved my father's life, so I won't fight him."

Some subordinates complained: "But you should be equal to him now. Why don't we go to the small and wealthy country in the central and southern parts of the country and have to rob this town instead."

The Great Ivan wiped his mouth, and then said: "No, I actually wanted to come here. The geographical location of Golden Ring Town is quite special. If a large number of mercenaries want to go to the kingdom of trolls, they must pass through here."

"And the merchants who want to take out the precious relics have to come to Jinhuan Town to trade."

"So after so many years, Jinhuan Town must have accumulated a lot of wealth. Isn't this what we want?"

"More importantly, no one can attack Golden Ring Town yet, and I will prove my strength through this battle!"

At the same time, Big Ivan thought in his heart: "Bluetooth, although you are kind to me, I will start the Viking dynasty! Only I have this qualification!!!"

"My lord, what you said is." Many bosses agreed after listening, only a few showed embarrassment.

However, when the big Ivan's sharp eyes swept over them, these bosses felt tight and nodded in agreement.

"Haha, I will also send an envoy to Golden Ring Town first. If the baron is willing to provide us with enough money, food and women, then war can be avoided."

"After all, our goal is not simply killing. Feeding the people is the most important thing, right?"

After the Great Ivan finished speaking, everyone laughed. They knew that the Baron was absolutely impossible to compromise. This was a joke of the lord.

Some Viking warriors sang ballads, but they sang it with incomplete tone, which was terribly ugly.

You know, listening to the singing of the Vikings requires great courage and perseverance. After a scholar went to the northern peninsula, he said: "I have never heard such a scary roar. The roar of a group of wild dogs can match their voices. !"

And this ballad has been sung for a long time:

"A sword cast in the cold of dawn,

No one can fully understand the Luen text on the sword,

Poets, equate it with ice and fire,

The hand holding the sword will stain the teeth of the red wolf, and the cruel and ruthless beak of the crow,

This sword is going to kill the poisonous snake on the golden bed,

The hand holding the sword will overturn the woods of the spear,

This is a sword held in the hands of the Viking King. . . "

Others danced frantically and howled like wild wolves.

Many Viking warriors flapped their bucklers rhythmically, and countless faces were set off by the fire. Some looked immature, some looked old, and the same was that they were full of fanatical fighting spirit.

By the end of tomorrow's negotiations and the official start of the war, some people will step into the Hall of Valor and become eternal warriors under the command of the gods.

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